1818, Jan. 1. Th.Write to Shelley & Pouncey. Call on Richardson & Oak: theatre, Retributione. M calls.
2. F.Write to Evans. Call on Phillipsn & Wordsworthn: Rodd’s, w. W.
3. Sa.Write to Shelley. Funeral of S E, w. Oak, Lepard & Egerton; adv. Leservee.
Jan. 4. Su.All Fools, act 1. Call on Booth & Constablen: Weale dines: Fairley au soir.
5. M.Write to Mary. Churchyard, çala. Tumoure. Drafts from Richardsone.
6. Tu.Identity of Junius, çala. Call on Phillips & Springal: Constable, Booth, Baxter & Fairly dine, adv. Hazlit. N G & S Hazlit call. Write to Place, congé.
7. W.Call on Hayward & Richardson: theatre, 1/2 Twelfth Nighte. Write to Mary.
8. Th.Twelfth Night, çala. Young calls: meet Lmb & White, H. Leechese. Oak & Lepard call. Linseed Poultice, 9 dayse.
9. F.Write to Swartwout & Shelley. Twelfth Night, fin: Comedy of Errors, acts 1, 2, 3. Seorsime.
10. Sa.Errors, fin: City Madam, acts 1 & 2. Jo G & Youngn & Booth call: call on Young.
Jan. 11. Su.City Madam, fin: Very Woman. Yng & Fairley call.
12. M.Duke of Milan, acts 1 & 2. Constable & Fairley call. Rob Roy published.
13. Tu.Write to Shelley. Duke of Milan, fin. Jo G & Young call: call on Richardson, & Hayward; adv. Richardson: Rodd’s.
14. W.Rob Roy, Vol. I. Wordsworth, w. Monkhouse, calls: Fairley sups.
16. F.Write to Shelley. Rob Roy, Vol. III, p. 142. Oaks, Leserve & Fairley sup.
17. Sa.Write to Shelley. Rob Roy, p. 348, fin. N & Jo G, Percy, Grant & Botwright call: call on Young.
Jan. 18. Su.Illustre Fregonne, pp. 94. Call on Hayward; adv. Watson: Fairley calls.
19. M.Write to Shelley. Fairley calls, ppc: Rodd’s.
20. Tu.Jo G & Elliot call: Marlow, w. W: Peacock sups. Botwright calls n.[Not in London]
21. W.Fazio, pp. 102. Botwright calls n.[Not in London]
22. Th.Marriage Trompeur, pp. 33. S Street, w. W: dine; Young calls.[Not in London]
23. F.Write to Shelley. St Mildred: meet Dibbin: call on Richardson, Leopard, J Taylor, &, w. M J, on A Curran.
24. Sa.Jay calls: dine at Jay’s, Woodford, w. Blunt.
Jan. 25. Su.Chapman, Hymns, p. 20. H Ht & B Aldis dine: A Curran at tea: seek Cogan: meet Hill. sleeps
26. M.Call on (Campbel &) Bowden, & Boothn: Constable & Botwright call: Rodd’s.
27. Tu.Lisander, p. 40. Write to Shelley. Call on Richardson. Parliament meetse.
28. W.Lisander, p. 56. Percy & Botwright call: call on Longdill: theatre, Turret Clocke.
29. Th.Hume & Lubé call: call on Longman (for Trotter) adv. Phillips; & on Hayward.
30. F.Call on Willats, w. Shelley, at Richardson’s: Coleridge’s Lecture, w. M J & W; adv. Morgan & H Robinsone: Booth & Baxter call n.
31. Sa.Walton, Life of Donne. Willats, Shelley, M & Hazlit call: Rodd’s. Write to Shelley.
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