Sep. 1. F.Malthus, revise. H Smith calls: theatre, 2/3 Dog Dayse.
2. Sa.Malthus, revise. Lamb après diner: Booth calls n. M J for Rochestere.
Sep. 3. Su. Malthus, note on China; revise . Call on Booth: T T & W Curran sup.
4. M.Malthus, revise. Hume calls.
5. Tu. Packet to Gravesend: coach to Rochester: dine at Pilcher’s, w. M J: Rochester Castle: sleep.
6. W.Upnor Castle, w. Pilcher’s, & M J.
7. Th.Eclipse. Coach from Rochester, w. M J, afternoon. Write to Curtis.
8. F.Malthus, revise. Call on Macgowan: meet Reynolds.
9. Sa.Malthus, revise. Write to P Anson. Macgowan calls, ira: call on T T. House of Lords adjournse.
Sep. 10. Su.Malthus, revise. Call on Aldis. Bonduca
11. M.Call on Hayward & Macgowan: W Curran calls: [Malthus, revise.] Booth at tea
12. Tu.Abbot, Vol. I. Call on H Smithn & Longman, seul.
13. W.Malthus, revise: meditate Book VII. Abbot, Vol. II, p. 272. H Smith & Macgowan call: call on Longman, signe.
14. Th.Abbot, Vol. III. Write to Macmillan.
15. F.Malthus, revise. Write to M Gisborne. T T calls: call on Hayward: W Curran sups.
16. Sa.Baldwin, Geo. III, 2 pp. Malthus, revise. Call on I’Ansonnit.
Sep. 17. Su. Malthus, revise; Colonies, çala.
18. M.Hero & Leander, C. I. Morgan (stationer) calls: call on T Rodd; adv. Triphook.
19. Tu.Prometheus Unbound, act 1: Plutarch, Treatise 43. Dine at T T’s, w. W Curran, M J & W.
20. W.Plutarch, Treatise 69. Sadlers Wells, Robbers, w. M J, C V & W; adv. Surrs & E Pe.
21. Th.Plutarch, Treatise 10, fin. M & T T call: call on Boothn: meet R Manning.
21. F.Call on R Dodd, engineer: Booth & Bt at tea.
23. Sa.Call on Knowles, Boaden & J Taylor: seek Gregory.
Sep. 24. Su.Macpherson, G Britain, p. 56. Hd Ht dines.
25. M.Write to Taylor, Norwich. Macpherson, p. 76. Call on Gregory & Macgowann.
26. Tu.Diarrhoeae. Valentinian, acts 1, 2, 3. T T calls, & Blaetterman (Ogilvie defuncto).
27. W.Malthus, revise: conclusion, 1 page. Valentinian, fin. Call on Macgowann & I’Ansonn.
28. Th.Macpherson, p. 96: Clarendon, çala. Call on Macgowan, & I’Ansonn.
29. F.Clarendon, çala. Booth at tea; discuss his idea of an improved edition of Political Justice.
30. Sa.Malthus, revise. Philaster, acts 1 & 2. Willats calls n.
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