Sep. 1. W.Paragraph on Blackstone. Botwright au soir.
2. Th. Malthus, revise; end of Book II, Chap. II. Ogilvie & Brodie (ppc) call: call on T Rodd. W for South Ende.
3. F.Write to Mackintosh. Ariosto, st. 65. Ogilvie, Sweetman, Rosser & Baxterna call. Plutarch, Treatse III.
4. Sa.Ariosto, st. 78. Steamboat to Southend. Lamb calls n.[Not in London]
Sep. 5. Su.Ride to Prittlewel, Drive.[Not in London]
6. M.Steamboat to London, w. C Heath & wife, & W.
7. Tu.Call on Booth, & Lambn: Lowndes’s.
8. W. Malthus, 2 pp. Write to M J. Ariosto, st. 98. Call on Knowles; adv. C Bonnycastle: Ogilvie calls: meet T Rodd & Hayward: theatre, 1/2 School for Scandale.
9. Th. Malthus, 1 page. Write to M W S. Ariosto, C. XXIII, st. 18. M dines.
10. F.Malthus, 1/2 page. Ariosto, st. 41. Macgowan calls: call on M Lamb: meet mrs Hamilton: Rodds sup. Botwright calls.
11. Sa. Malthus, revise. Write to M J. Ariosto, st. 73. Booth dines. W examined by C Bonnycastlee.
Sep. 12. Su. Malthus, revise. Ariosto, st. 91: Plutarch, Treatise IV. Rosser twice.
13. M.Malthus, revise. Ariosto, st. 113: Plutarch, Treatise LXVII. T Ht sups; adv. Botwright. Walk w. Rosser.
14. Tu.Malthus, revise. Ariosto, st. 136: Sketch Book. Macgowan & Ogilvie call: M dines; adv N G: Baron sups.
15. W.Write to M J. Ariosto, C. XXIV, st. 12. W Curran calls: theatre, Deserted Daughtere. Stop the presse.
16. Th.Malthus, 1/2 page. Ariosto, st. 32. Call on Booth: Ogilvie & Botwright call.
17. F.Malthus, calculate. Ariosto, st. 52. Booth & M dine: M J from Southende. (humeur)
18. Sa.Malthus, medite. Ariosto, st. 77. Call on Booth; adv. Curtis: Landseer & W Currann call: Mathematical Society, w. Booth & R Baxter; Curtshen.
Sep. 19. Su.Malthus, revise. Ariosto, st. 96. Curtshen calls: W Curran dines.
20. M.Malthus, 1 page. Ariosto, st. 115. Dixon & M Lamb call, & T Htn: call on Knowles & Bonnycastle; adv. Jas Moore: Rosser au soir.
21. Tu.Ariosto, C. XXV, st. 21. R Baxter & Curnin & M Jones call: Booth’s au soir; adv. 3 Baxters: Rosser sups.
22. W. Malthus, calculate. Ariosto, st. 41. Curnin, Ogilvie & Macmillan call:
Botwright at tea: theatre; adv. Wallacee.
23. Th.Malthus, 4 pp. Ariosto, st. 61. Macgowan calls: call on T Rodd, chez Richards.
24. F. Malthus, 2 pp. Ariosto, st. 80. R Baxter calls: Lambs & Snow sup.
25. Sa.Malthus, revise. Ariosto, st. 97: Kaimes, on Delusion, pp. 68. Call on Ogilvie: Rodd’s.
Sep. 26. Su.Malthus, revise. Ariosto, C. XXVI, st. 25: Plutarch, Treatise V, VI.
27. M.Malthus, revise. Ariosto, st. 50: Plutarch, Treatise VII/2. R Baxter calls: Booth dines not.
28. Tu. Wargentin, seek. Ariosto, st. 81. C Lloyd calls: R Baxter at tea: T Ht sups.
29. W. Museum, Wargentine. Ariosto, st. 109. Booth calls n & W Curran.
30. Th. Malthus, revise. R Society, Wargentine. Ariosto st. 137. Rosser calls: call on Knowles & C Bonnycastle.
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