William Godwin's Diary

Diary entry for January 1819



1819, Jan. 1. F.Malthus, p. 4. Hume on Populousness, p. 24. Dine at S Beresford’s, w. 3 Snows, M J, S P & W.

2. Sa. Malthus, p. 6. Ogilvie, Lubé & mrs Dixon, w. Darby, call: Booth dines.

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Jan. 3. Su.Malthus, çala. Hume, p. 46. Call on La. C L; adv. Greek Physician & mrs Masters: Rosser sups.

4. M. Malthus, p. 9. Tate & N G call: call on Sir R Phillips (Leicester Square); adv. Monk & Edmunds.

5. Tu.Malthus, p. 12. N G & K Colnet dine: theatre, Flodden Fielde. 2 nights.

6. W.Malthus, p. 15. Write to John Campbell, Emigrant-dealer. Ogilvie calls: call on Sherwood: Rodd’s.

7. Th. Malthus, çala. Write to Livorno. Fearon, America, çala. Theatre, 3/[4?] Winter’s Talee: Coleridge, Hamlet; adv. Ogilviee: Hazlit sups.

8. F.Malthus, 3 pp. Fearon, çala. Washington Irving calls: T & Harwood Ht dine.

9. Sa. Malthus, 3 1/2 pp. Fearon, çala. Hazlit & Botwrt call.

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Jan. 10. Su.Malthus, 1 page. Rigby of Holkham, çala: Fearon, çala. Call on Perry (adv. O’Meara), & Aspinwal; adv. Blakes & Goodrich.

11. M. Malthus, 4 1/2 pp. R Taylor & Ogilvien call: Kenny dines; adv. L K: Rodd’s. W to Tate’se.

12. Tu. Malthus, 1 page. Dine at Booth’s, w. Curtises, Gilchrist, 4 Baxters, M J, S P & W.

13. W.Malthus, Checks, p. 3, 4, 5. Mrs Beresford, 3 Snows & J Taylor dine. Wolcot dies.

14. Th. Malthus, p. 8/2. Hume calls. Write to Jay. Hazlit at tea. Parliament meetse.

15. F.Malthus, p. 8. Fearon, fin. T Ht calls.

16. Sa. Malthus, p. 9/2. Ariosto, st. 9. Jay & Ogilvie call: Booth & Snow dine: Rosser sups.

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Jan. 17. Su. Malthus, p. 11. Ariosto, st. 18.

18. M.Malthus, p. 13. Ariosto, st. 24. M calls: call on Northcote; adv. M J & S P: Rodd’s; adv. Heber.

19. Tu. Malthus, p. 15. Ariosto, st. 33. Call on Broughtonn: T Ht sups. Note from Longdil.

20. W. Malthus, p. 17/2. Ariosto, st. 56. Call on Longdil & J Taylor: meet Hume: P P dines.

21. Th. Malthus, p. 17. Write to Livorno. Hayward calls: 2 young Du Plantis dine; adv. P P: theatre, 1/2 Brutuse.

22. F.Malthus, p. 20/2. Call on Longman (see Rees) & Irvingn: Hazlit sups. P P dines.

23. Sa.Malthus, p. 21. Write to P H G. Call on Hazlit & (for him) Austin: Lubé, Botwright & T Tn call: P P dines, ppc{:} theatre, 1/2 Brutuse.

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Jan. 24. Su. Malthus, p. 23. Ariosto, st. 81. Write to Bevan. M from Read, & Lubé, & Ogilvie call: Rosser sups. Call on Hayward.

25. M.Malthus, p. 26. Ariosto, C. II, st. 14. T T, Botwt, Hazlit, Rosser & Hayward call: Rodd’s.

26. Tu. Malthus, p. 27. Write to Livorno. Ariosto, st. 41. Call on Hume & Tate.

27. W. Malthus, p. 28. Ariosto, st: 50. Call on Mackintosh & Lady C L; adv. Georgius: sup at Talfourd’s, w. Lambs, Dure, M J & W; adv. G Dyer.

28. Th.Ariosto, st. 63. Call on Hayward: N G at tea: Lbs sup & T Ht. Write to Taylor, Norwich.

29. F. Malthus, p. 30/2. Call on Hayward twice , & on Longdil.

30. Sa. Rain. Johnson’s Tour, p. 140.

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Jan. 31. Su.Malthus, p. 32. Ariosto, st. 76: Johnson, p. 186, fin. Ogilvie & Hayward call: Rosser, T & Hd Ht dine.