Aug. 1. F.Call on W Place, Hamilton, mrs Reeves, Lefanun, Kirwann, Caldweln & la. Moiran: Rathfarnham, Glover dines & sleeps.[Not in London]
2. Sa.Write to M, 2 letters. Leland, V. III, p. 85-114. Burke & Planard dine. talk of insincerity & Lawrence, & d'une 2me visite.[Not in London]
Aug. 3. Su.Leland, p. 129. For Carlow: call on Ponsonby, Joinville: dine at Brown's, w. Griffiths's, Tobins, Hume & Latten: sleepe.[Not in London]
4. M.Naas, Kilcullen & Ballytore: meet Frizel: dine at Timolin: tea Burne's, Carlow, w. Ward, Hall, &c: sleep.[Not in London]
5. Tu.Toler, Waddy, Duquerry, Mahaffy, Johnson, Arthur Moore, Ridgway, Colles, Colman, Mills & Darcy: Wallace's triale: hear Barringtone: int. Kelly: Eustace, Ball & Barrington dine; adv. Whaley.[Not in London]
6. W.Meet McNally: hear Duquerry & Currane: //Whaley dines: sleep at Hacket's Town.[Not in London]
7. Th.Clashe: breakfast at Rathdrum: 7 churches, Camp, dine, w. Hornes, Thomson & Hopkins: supper, major Andrews: sleep.e[Not in London]
8. F.St Cavan's bed: call on Grattan; adv. Birminghams: dine at Burne's, w. C, Whaley, mrs Needham & miss Lawless's; adv. miss Kaine.[Not in London]
9. Sa.Leland, p. 182. Call on E B: dine at la. Moira's, w. la. Granard, miss Hamilton & mrs Eagle: meet Mountcashel's.[Not in London]
Aug. 10. Su.F Queen, C. XI: Davis, apud Leland, pp. 18. Rathfarnham, dine : tea Batley's.[Not in London]
11. M.Burns, çala. Talk of Swift & criminal jurisprudence : meet Davis: Batley calls: Sweeney dines: parting, Dublin, 12 o'clocke.[Not in London]
12. Tu.Packet, 4 morning, w. Gen. Lake, Dean Bourke, Limeric merchant, Garret & S Marshal.[Not in London]
13. W.Holyhead, 4 morning: mail-coach, w. S. Marshal, Longford's negre & parson, v. Virgo: breakfast Gwendu: dine Conway: walk to Llanrwst: sleep. adv. Cotman[Not in London]
14. Th.Breakfast at Edwards's: dine at Kernioga; adv. Hutchinson & sir Richard: chaise to Corwen (Glen Bridge): sleep, letters to M & Curran.[Not in London]
15. F.Hymn to Love. Llangollen, entire day: call on la. E Butlern: intruders, Liverpool traders & Snowdon : evening walk to Valle Crucis Abbey.[Not in London]
16. Sa.Hymn to Beauty. Breakfast at Chirk: Aqueduct & Castle: Post-coach, w. Kyan, Bates & Cumbers//: dine at Oswestry: sleep at Shrewbury.[Not in London]
Aug. 17. Su.Dine at Darwin's, w. mrs & miss Wedgwoods, O'Reilly & Wilson; adv. Bages & L Fingal.[Not in London]
18. M.Mail-coach, w. Williams & mrs Hatchard: breakfast at Shiffnal: // dine at Birmingham; adv. Iliff: sup at Oxford.[Not in London]
19. Tu.Arnot's Ms. Call on mrs Edwards: M dines.
20. W.Arnot's Ms: Abbé de l'Epée. Tho. Wedgwood calls: M dines: ride w. T W.
21. Th.Mems & Accounts. Jo G calls: call on Reyndsn: sup at Nicholson's, w. Lewis, distiller. M dines.
22. F.Memoires Sec. sur la Russie, p. 144. M dines: theatre, What a Blunder! & Obie.
23. Sa.Heavenly Love: Mems Secretes, p. 184. S Cuxson calls & Fenwick: T W dines: sup at S E's.
Aug. 24. Su.Faithful Shepherdess, acts 1, 2, 3: Coxe's Walpole, p. 51-80. Malone's Dryden, p. 549, fin. Lambs dine; adv. M: invités: Fenws.
25. M.Coxe, p. 230. M dines: sup at Cuxson's, w. mrs Rutton.
26. Tu.Coxe, p. 291. Write to Ht. Northcote dines; adv. M & Fenwicks: invité T W.
27. W.Write to M Robinson & Mountcashel, & G Rn. Dine at Lamb's, w. Manning & M.
28. Th.Antonio. Bolingbroke, Vol. III, p. 309-360: Coxe, p. 352. Theatre, Point of Honoure: M sups.
29. F.Antonio, 19 lines. Mad Lover, acts 1, 2, 3: Coxe, p. 384. Curran, Taggart, A Walker, Ht & Phebe G call: S E dines; adv. Egerton.
30. Sa.Antonio, 16 lines. S Cuxson calls: M dines. Mad Lover, acts 4 & 5: Coxe, p. 481. Meet ES E & Egerton: call on Reynolds n.
Aug. 31. Su.Wimbledon stage, w. Beverley, &c: dine at H Tooke's, w. Harvey fils: sleepe. Reynolds calls n.
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