Sep. 1. Tu.Goldsmith, An. Nature, p. 68. T T at tea: call on Longdil n.
2. W.Goldsmith, p. 98. Call on Johnson, Davison, Peele’s, Longdiln & Jo G: M Lamb calls: T T sups. Write to Everina.
3. Th.Call on Humphrys twice, w. Longdil & T T : boat, w. M J, T T, E C, C, J & W. Fanny & Mary dine w. Everina, Southampton Row.
4. F.Longdil & Hodgkins call: call on Jo G, w. M J: E Fks & T T sup; Barth. Fair. Seneca, cap. 1-10.
5. Sa.Seneca, cap. 15: Goldsmith, p. 120. Call on Longdil: Barth. Fair, w. T T.
Sep. 6. Su.Seneca, cap. 17. T T dines; adv. G M C. Carlisles, Buchan & John Flather call.
7. M.Seneca, Prov. cap. 1 & 2: Colin Clout. Call on Scott, cpp: sup at Lamb’s, w. M J & Tuthill. Surrender of Copenhagene
8. Tu.Greenwich, w. E Fks, T T, M J, E C, & 5 children: Longdil calls n.
9. W.Spencer, Hymns. Seek Hepburn & Perks: T T sups.
10. Th.Call on H Rogers: Hazlit at tea.
11. F.Seneca, cap. 4. Call on Longdil & Scott: dine at Johnson’s, w. Fuseli, Bonnycastle, Sturch & Gooch.
12. Sa.Seneca, De Constantia, cap. 5. Call on Nicholson: T T sups.
Sep. 13. Su.Seneca, c. 9. Accounts. Call on Toppings: N G & G M C at tea.
14. M.Seneca, c. 19. Call on Taylor & Nicholson: M Lamb calls: Tuthil tea & supper.
15. Tu.Longdil calls: call on Philips & Jo G: tea Lamb’s, w. Hazlit.
16. W.Just Italian: Davenant, çala. Call on Nicholson. Ed. Wollstonecraft in Primrose Streete.
17. Th.Fargues calls: call on Longdil & T T: M calls: theatre, w. M J, Country Girle.
18. F.Seneca, De Brevitate, c. 4: Gondibert, C. I, II. Call on Mulreadyn: tea & supper, Tuthil’s, w. M J.
19. Sa.Crispianus. Garrets openede: T T dines. Aug 12e
Sep. 20. Su.Accounts. Call on Wroughton: T T & G M C dine; adv. Jo & N G. Mulready calls.
21. M.Call, w. M J, on mrs Hawthorn; & Flaxmann: sup at Lamb’s.
22. Tu.Lamb’s Ulysses, p. 124: Gondibert, C. III, IV. Mulready calls, & Hazlit.
23. W.Wits, act 1 & 2. Call on Gibbs & R Taylor.
24. Th.Wits, act 3, 4, 5: Seneca, c. 8. Call on Longdil, Currannit, & E Fks, for M J; adv. F Ht: T T sups: M calls.
25. F.Call on C Mountcashel, & Longdil on arrest: Lambs sup.
26. Sa.R, E & A Taylors breakfast: meet Longdil: T T dines: theatre, Love for Love, act 4e: E Fks sup.
Sep. 27. Su.Currann & Toppings call.
28. M.Curran breakfasts: call, w. him, on North, O Brien, & Mountcashel: meet, do, Perry: theatre, 1/10 Cymbelinee.
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