William Godwin's Diary

Diary entry for 1808



1808, Jan. 1. F.Call on Smirkena, & R Taylor, & J Taylor: Jo, N W & Phebe G, & G M C dine; adv. W G & T T: G M C sleeps.

2. Sa. Call on Philips, Newgatena& at homen: Hawthorns call: T T at tea: G M C sleeps.

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Jan. 3. Su. Write to Burdet. Chamberlaine calls: Mulready sups: G M C sleeps. meet Butler Danvers.

4. M.Clennels calls: call on Hankey & Mrs Moore: mrs Topping & G M C dine: tea Phillips’s; adv. R Taylor.

5. Tu. Nicholson, Philips & Clennel call.

6. W.Mrs Topping & T T call: T T dines. Send to J Taylor, Philips & Rogers. Write to Birket & H Godwin. Jo G (Primrose Strt) calls.

7. Th.Davis calls: dine at Hawthorn’s, w. M J, F, capt. Trotter, mrs Trotter, &c.

8. F.Mrs Napier calls: dine at Johnson’s, w. Fuseli, Bonnycastle & Percival: T T sups. Write to Davis.

9. Sa.Mrs Napier calls: Clennels, T T & O Fk dine.

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Jan. 10. Su.Dine at Moody’s, Turnham Gn, w. T T.

11. M.E Topping dines; adv. T T: Letter from Davis.

12. Tu.Clennel calls: T T dines: theatre, Wanderer, w. M J & T Te.

13. W.Davis calls, signe: call on Tuthil n & Philips n: T T & W C Brown dine.

14. Th.Call on Tuthil: theatre, for M J, E C & C C, Furibonde.

15. F.Call on Benson, japanner, & Chamberlainen: meet Hazlit.

16. Sa.Hudson & Alexander call: Hazlit sups.

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Jan. 17. Su.Call on Johnson: J J G calls: tea Philips’s (15 Cæsars)e; adv. Towers.

18. M.Mably, sur les Romains, p. 114.

19. Tu.Mrs Hutton calls: E Topping, Clennel & F Walsh dine; adv. miss Burnel: Keir calls: sup at Topping’s, w. M J & F Walsh.

20. W. Write to Burdet. Call on Johnson.

21. Th.Chamberlaine calls: Keir sups. Hudson calls. Parliament meetse.

22. F.Theatre, Something to Do; adv. Hille: T T sups.

23. Sa. R Taylor at tea.

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Jan. 24. Su.Prospectus of Roman History, pp. 4. Mably, p. 242: Goldsmith, p. 89-209. Call on Philipsn: Linnel calls na.

25. M. Letter from Tuthil. Mulready calls.

26. Tu. Hudson & Lepard call: T T tea & sup. Write to Hutchins.

27. W. Call on Tuthil, Lepard & Hazlit: meet Le Maitre: tea Philips’s; adv. Surr.

28. Th.Tuthil calls: call on H Rogers: sup at Lamb’s: T T calls.

29. F. Call on Philips (sign)e; adv. Reid & Lucas: Alexander calls n: theatre, Othello, acts 1, 2, 3e: sup at E Fk’s, for M J: Carlisle calls n.

30. Sa.Letter from Hutchins. Goldsmith, p. 272.

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Jan. 31. Su.Accounts. Lambs & E Fks sup.


Feb. 1. M. Advertisement, Shopman; Hughes, &ce: Lamb calls, from Coleridge: call on Hall (Minories) R Taylor & Jo G: Hawthorn calls.

2. Tu.E Fk calls.

3. W.Goldsmith, p. 291. Smirke & Carlisle call.

4. Th. Call on Johnson, H Rogers & Jo G: dine at Hawthorn, w. Plunket, Hamilton jr, 2 Beresfords & M J.Linnel, 1st lessone.

5. F. Coleridge’s Lecture, R Ie, w. M J; adv. Hewlet: mrs Dorset & C Smith call n.

6. Sa.Letter to Grattan, p. 1, 2. Sprain & nauseae.

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Feb. 7. Su. Call on Toppings & G M C: Smirke dines.

8. M.Alexander & Jo G call. Hubberd’s Tale.

9. Tu. Theatre, Begone Dull-Caree. N G calls.

10. W.Dibbin calls. Letter to Grattan, p. 3, 4.

11. Th.R Taylor, call on: theatre, Kais, w. M Je. Letter to Grattan, p. 5, 6; sent.

12. F. Call on Philips: dine at Johnson’s.

13. Sa.Call on R Taylor: M calls.

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Feb. 14. Su.Chamberlaine calls: call on Mulready. Circular Letter, 4 pp.

15. M. Call on Wheeler (B Hosp), R Taylor, Jo G & Johnson. M calls, from Philips.

16. Tu.Crompton & Peto call: call on Lamb n: Mulready sups.

17. W.Write to Everina. Arrangements, infrae

18. Th.Prospectus for Sharp, 2 pp. M dines: call on R Taylor. Letter from Grattan.

219. F.Lilienwald, pt I.

20. Sa. Clennel calls: M from Sharp, dines. Lilienwald, pt II & III.

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Feb. 21. Su.Gibbon, Ch. II: Lilienwald, pt IV. Toppings, L Knapp & M A M call.

22. M. Lilienwald, pt V. M at tea: call on Fk, & Lamb; adv. Hazlit.

23. Tu.Gibbon, Ch. III: Bevis. Theatre, w. M J, Tom Thumb; adv. Cromptonse.

24. W. Write to Holland. & Lauderdale: M calls: call on R Taylor: theatre, for M J, E C, F, M, C & Je.

25. Th.T T at tea: write to T T. Nason calls: theatre, Who Wins; adv. J Taylore.

26. F.Letter from Holland. R Taylor (for W Smith) calls: Hazlit sups. Lilienwald, pt VI, VII.

27. Sa.R Taylor (from W Smith) & M call: call on Johnson; adv. Dyer. Lilienwald, pt VIII, IX.

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Feb. 28. Su.Notes on W Smith. Lilienwald, pt X. Call on Johnson: Lambs at tea. Note from R Taylor.

29. M. Write to W Smith, 8 pp. M dines, from Maitland. Lilienwald, pt XI, XII.


Mar. 1. Tu.Write to Mrs C Smith. Chamberlaine calls: call on R Taylor: theatre, w. M J, Chances, & Out of Tunee. N G calls n.

2. W.R Taylor calls, & Beresfords: meet mrs Cl Smith.

3. Th. Call on Coleridge: tea Coleridge’s, w. Wordsworth, Lamb & De Quincy: meet Hutchins. talk of Greeks & Latins, Spenser, Milton.

4. F.M calls, from Sharp & Smith: call on H Rogers & Jo G. Fairy Queen, B. VI, C. I.

5. Sa.Call on W Smithn & R Taylor: M calls. F Queen, C. II: Misson, apud Pirates.

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Mar. 6. Su.F Queen, C. III, IV, V. Meet Philips.

7. M. F Queen, C. VI. M dines.

8. Tu.F Queen, C. VII, VIII{.} Call on R Taylor (from W Smith), Johnson & Lamb n.

9. W.F Queen, C. IX, X, XI. Lamb & M Jones call.

10. Th.Lamb calls, w. Ulysses. Write to Lamb. Theatre, w. M J, Man of the Worlde. Ulysses, p. 50.

11. F.M calls, from Maitland & Sharp: dine at Johnson’s, w. Fuseli, Beaufort & H Edgworth. Ulysses, p. 123.

12. Sa.Ulysses, p. 204, fin. Call on Davison, M Jones (for M J) & Carlislen: theatre, Mt of Venice, acts 1, 2, 3, 4.eJ Stewart calls.

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Mar. 13. Su.Accounts. Call on Carlisle. King of Denmark dies

14. M. Call on Johnson: sup at Lamb’s, w. M J & Hazlit.

15. Tu.F Queen, C. XII: Hydriotaphia, p. 18. N G sups.

16. W. Hydriotaphia, p. 28, fin. Call on Lamb & Coleridge: M calls.

17. Th. Religio Medici, p. 40. M calls, from Shp, mau: letter from J Taylor, do: M Lamb calls w. notes: call on R Taylor: theatre, w. M J, Three Weeks after Marriagee.

18. F. Notes for Johnson. Tea Hazlit’s, w. Northcote, Lamb, Hume, Stodart, Dyer, H Robinson, 2 Hazlits & M J. Write to J Taylor, Norwch.

19. Sa.Notes for Johnson. Call of on do, Burney designer, M Burney & H Corbould.

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Mar. 20. Su. England, p. 10. Browne, p. 126.

21. M. Call on Johnson: M dines. Johnson writes to Sharpe.

22. Tu.Arrange papers. Browne, p. 176, fin.

23. W. Arrange papers. M calls, from Sharp: write to Whitbread. MrsBeresford calls.

24. Th.England, p. 16. Linnel calls.

25. F.England, p. 21. Call on C Heath: Mulready calls.

26. Sa.England, p. 25, fin, & Preface. M calls.

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Mar. 27. Su.Apollonius Rhodius, çala. Grattan calls. Write to T T. Meet Longdil.

28. M.R Taylor & E Topping call: M & G M C dine; invité Smirke.

29. Tu.Call on Tuthil, Davisonn & Lamb; adv. Stodart: Tuthil calls, & M, from Sharp: Wordsworth sups: C Heath & H Corbould call.

30. W. Write to S Rogers. Call on R Taylor: T T, & M, from Rogers, call. Write to P H G.

31. Th.Write to W Smith; M writes to Sharpe. Theatre, World, w. M Je.


Apr. 1. F. Write twice to Sharp; answers. Call on M: Nicholson calls.

2. Sa.Sharp sought, frustra. Theatre, Bridgetinae. Harvery calls, bookseller.

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Apr. 3. Su. Accounts. T T sups.

4. M.M calls, from Sharp: theatre, Othello, acts 1 & 2e : Dawe sups.

5. Tu. Write to Whitbread; answer. Lamb & N G call. Lutrin, C. I.

6. W. M from Johnson: circulars preparede. Dawe calls.

7. Th.Circulars sente. Call on Fenwick: Dawe & Hazlit call. Duke of Grafton . Write to W Smith & Grattan.

8. F.Nason calls: call, w. T T, on G M C, for M J: T T sups. Circulars sente.

9. Sa.M, from Phillips, & W Stewart call: call on Jo G. J Hollis. Lutrin, C. II.

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Apr. 10. Su.Write to Holland & (for M) Lauderdale. Fk & Orlando dine; adv. Plant.

11. M. Sutton calls: Letter from W Smith 50: M dines: Hazlit & T T sup. M A Taylor.

12. Tu. Write to M & Johnson & Raine: call on Sharpn & Nicholsonna.

13. W.Write to Smith: Jo G calls, & M from Shp. Countess of Moira dies.

14. Th. Meet H Robinson & Collier au près: E Topping calls: Curran & G M C dine: call, w. Curran, on Coleridge.

15. F. Call on Curran (adv. R C: £100), Grattn n, & Northcote: Lamb calls: T T sups: meet Carlisle. Paul dies.

16. Sa.Curran calls. Do ms, 68 pp.

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Apr. 17. Su.Write to Curran. Betham, çala.

18. M.Letter from W Smith. Call on Curran; adv. Egan: T T sups.

19. Tu.Write to W Smith, Hollis & Curran (P. of W): Jo G calls: N G sups.

20. W. Write to P H G. M calls: T T dines; explanatione: call on Johnson; adv. Joyce.

21. Th.Theatre, Two Gentlemen of Verona; adv. Lawrence & C Kemblee.

22. F.Hollis calls: Coleridge’s Lecture; adv. Lamb ( & Durham)e: call on Curran; adv. Hutchins: dine at Johnson’s, w. Fuseli, Knowles, Rosiere, Waller & Mellon: meet Este & Macmillan.

23. Sa.Gents of Verona. Call on La. Phillips & Coleridgen: C Heath calls: theatre, 2/5 World: Cader Idris.e

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Apr. 14. Su.eOthello, çala: All’s Well, acts 1 & 2.

25. M.Call on Philips, Slopern, Nicholson, Taylor & Johnson: Masters calls: T T sups.

26. Tu.Call on Philips; adv. Atkinson, James & Gillet: meet Hutchins: call on Currann: theatre, Two Gentlemen; adv. J Taylore.

27. W.Call on Field, Annuity Office: C Colnet dines: N G sups. Gilchrist on Jonson.

28. Th. Donne, çala. Call on Davisonn: write to Johnson: M, T T & N G call.

29. F.Letter from Johnson: write to Davison. Mulreadys sup.

30. Sa.Donne, çala. Write to Grattan: call on Hollandna &Hollis n.


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May 1. Su.Accounts. Walk w. T T: dine at Philips’s, Hampstead, w. Atkinson, Carr, Wolcot, Batty junr & Surrs.

2. M. Stage for Swaffham, 3 o’clock, w. Mayes, &c: tea Haddesdon: sup at Cambridge.[Not in London]

3. Tu. Breakfast at Brandon: call on Sturley, Swaffham: Bradenham, w. do: meet P H G: Sturley dines: write: sleep.[Not in London]

4. W. Dalling, by Dereham, Swanton & Bawdeswel: dine at mrs Raven’s: walk to Sall: sleep.[Not in London]

5. Th. Dine at Dereham; monument of Cowper: sleep at Bradenham. write.[Not in London]

6. F.Watton, w. P H G: dine at Thetford: read Bloomfield’s do: Castle Hill & Abbey: sleep.[Not in London]

7. Sa. Dine at Thetford: meet Lofft, 4 1/2 miles: tea at Troston; adv. Chas Finch: sleepe.[Not in London]

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May 8. Su. Lauder& Wilkes, çala. write. rain.[Not in London]

9. M. Yates’s Bury. Escort C Finch to Bury, w. S L. write. rain.[Not in London]

10. Tu.Troston Heath, w. S L: congé: Bury, w. C & A L: return.[Not in London]

11. W. Wolsey, Sydney& Howel, çala. Euston, w. S L.[Not in London]

12. Th.Rain: Bury, w. C L: sleep at Angel.[Not in London]

13. F. Bury coach: breakfast at Castle Hedingham: pass Gosfield: dine at Ingatestone, deliquiume: T T at tea, Skinner Str.[Not in London]

14. Sa.J Hollis calls. Tower, w. M J, T T, C C & 5; beasts & armoury: deliquiume: T T dines.

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Su. May 15.Deliquiume. Jo & N G call.

16. M. Deliquiae. T T sups: M calls from Macmurdo. Write to Fenwick.

17. Tu. Carlisle, R Taylor & Phebe call: T T sups.

18. W.Life of Donne, pp. 78. Dawe at tea.

19. Th.Donne’s Letters, çala. G Walker calls: call on R Taylor; adv. J H, advertiser: T T sups.

20. F.M breakfasts: Christie’s, w. M J (sir Thos More, &c): call on Northcote, Ash & Carlislen, w. do: T T calls n: Hazlit sups. Write to Ash & H T. Lambs call n.

21. Sa.Write to G Walker. Call on Ash & Carlislen: theatre, w. M J & T T, 2/5 Inconstant, & Garrate.

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May 22. Su.Walton’s Herbert. T T calls. Blistere.

23. M.Donne’s Letters, çala. G Walkern, M Lamb call: M & V Napier, miss Walsh & T T sup: Tuthil calls.

24. Tu.G Walker calls: Lambs sup; adv. M. Write to Tuthil.

25. W.Corinna, çala. Chamberlaine & M Lamb call: T T sups.

26. Th.Donne’s Letters, çala. M calls: call on T T: T T sups.

27. F. Donne, çala. Dine at Johnson’s, w. Fuseli & Knowles: T T calls.

28. Sa.Donne, çala. T T sups.

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May 29. Su.Donne, çala. W Nicholson, Hawthorn & Joyce call.

30. M.Donne, çala. White calls: call on Carlisle; adv. M J: Lambs sup; adv. T T.

31. Tu. Call on Ash & Northcote; adv. E Cowper: Exhibition, w. M J & Ce: T T sups: C Heath calls.


June 1. W.Donne, Meditations, &c. Call on mrs Topping & Cooper, w. M J: Northcote & N G sup.

2. Th. Donne, çala. Exhibition; adv. mrs Powel & Boddingtone.

3. F.Donne, çala. Write to Lauderdale, Grattan, & E Fk. Mrs Topping & mrs C Smith sup.

4. Sa. Donne, çala. Walk w. T T (Berkeley): T T & Hazlit dine.

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June 5. Su.Fox, p. 27{,} fin. Dine at Knowles’s, w. Fuseli, Jeffery & Racket.

6. M.Tea, Hazlit’s, w. M J & C C.

7. Tu.Write to W Smith. Ash calls: M, from Sharp.

8. W.Letter from W Smith. Call on Mrs Hall: T T & J Flather sup: Lamb calls n.

9. Th.Jonson, çala. M Lamb calls: T T sups.

10. F.M calls, on personal application: dine at Johnson’s, w. Fuseli, Dr Edgworth, J Johnson, Richardsons & Ormondys: Hazlits at tea; adv. T T. Call on R Taylor.

11. Sa.Donne, çala.

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June 12. Su. Suckling, &c. Sup at Lamb’s, w. M J & C C.

13. M. Carew, Drayton, &c. M dines; Wolcot calls: T T sups. Write to Masters.

14. Tu.Sydney papers, çala. Perry & Dawe call: meet Ash. Write to Lofft.

15. W. Call on Fuseli & Jacob & T T: T T sups; adv. N G. M dines, from Norfolk.

16. Th.Donne, çala. N G sups. R Taylor calls.

17. F. Nicholson & Jacob call: T T sups. Accounts.

18. Sa.Donne, çala. Ash calls. Accounts.

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June 19. Su.Donne, çala. Call on Mrs Hall.

20. M. Donne, çala. Clennel dines.

21. Tu.Donne, çala. Mitchel & mrs Topping call: T T sups. Write to Grattan.

22. W. Donne, çala. Call on Dawe, Coffee n, & (w. M J) on Bullard at Cromwel’s: T T calls.

23. Th.Advertising calls & Coffee.

24. F.Masters, M Lamb & M call: dine at Johnson’s, w. Hommy: call on Dawe (adv. Coffee) & Mylius, w. M J: T T après.

25. Sa. Letter to Rickman, 3 1/2 pages. Write to Tuthil. Omer & mrs Wincup call. Clarendon, p. 44.

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June 26. Su.Clarendon, p. 97.

27. M. Rickman, p. 6. Clarendon, p. 112. Tuthil calls, & N Gn, & Coffee.

28. Tu.Write to Norfolk & Selkirk. T T sups: M J from Johnson.

29. W.Clarendon, p. 164. Letter from Rickman: M J from Perry: call on Johnson.

30. Th.Mark Noble, çala. Perry, Chamberlaine & C Heath & G M C call: T T sups. meet R Twiss.


July 1. F.Write to Wedgwood. Call on Comrie, Perry, Lepard (w. M J) & Macmillan: Booth & Clennel at tea. meet Owen.

2. Sa. Write to Comrie & Rickman: letters from Lauderdale & Bedford.

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July 3. Su.Life, p. 3. Hazlit sups.

4. M. Clarendon, p. 184. Millerc, Booth & Clennel call. Parliament proroguede.

5. Tu. Call on Bagster, H Rogers (adv. S Rogers), Fuseli & Johnson: Booth, Clennel & G M C dine; adv. T T. meet Twiss. Bedford, Grey & Rogers. G M C sleeps.

6. W. Write to W Smith, Sharp & Perry. Call on R Taylor. G M C dines. Selkirk.

7. Th.Call on Johnson: Booth, Clennel & T T dine.

8. F. Write to Cholmondeley, Albemarle & Rosslyn. Dine at Johnson’s, w. Fuseli, Knowles, Cash & Miles.

9. Sa. Write to H Rowan. Ash, Booth & Manning call.

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July 10. Su.Cataloguee: T T at tea.

11. M.Cataloguee. Macmillan, M from Phillips & T Tn call: Booth dines.

12. Tu. Life, p. 4, 5. Cataloguee. Dawe, Flather & mrs Hazlit & T T call.

13. W.Mably, p. 75. Write to Taylor, Norwich. Combe & Guy call: call on R Taylor, Visd & Miller.

14. Th.Mably, p. 188. Chamberlaine calls: T T sups.

15. F.Mably, p. 218. Cataloguee. Miller, Hollis, Hazlit, T T, M & R Taylor call: write to Taylor, Norwich.

16. Sa.Cataloguee. Booth dines; adv. Turner: call on Dawe, w. Booth, T T & M J: Manning calls.

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July 17. Su.Life, p. 7/2: Tandy, pp. 138. Sup at Topping’s, w. Dods, Edlam, T T & M J.

18. M.Hargrave, p. 182. Booth & T T dine.

19. Tu.Call on Philips (adv. Nolan, Crosby & prophet): Knowles calls, & Chamberlaine.

20. W. Write to Philips. Cataloguee. Surrender of Duponte

21. Th.Call on Morgan, R C L (W Twiss), T T, &, w. him & M J, on Coffee: T T sups. & mrs Mulready. Letter from Rosslyn.

22. F.Semiramide, act 1: Hargrave, p. 407, fin. Manning calls.

23. Sa. Semiradmide, act 2, 3. Call on R Taylor: Opera, Semiramide, & Constance, w. M J, F & E C (adv. Sheffields, Planta & K Courtenay)e.

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July 24. Su.Lamb’s Specimens, çala. Call on Lamb, w. M J.

25. M.Write to J Taylor. Revenger, act 1, 2. Manning calls: call on R Taylor & mrs Nicholson & Vizard: meet W Stewart.

26. Tu.Revenger, fin. Call on R Taylor.

27. W.Neal, çala: Baxter, p. 20. R Taylor calls.

28. Th.Baxter, p. 283. Jo G calls.

29. F.Baxter, p. 340. Call on Philips; adv. Lawrence, Lucas & Hoare: T T calls: theatre, Africans; adv. Hill, Boaden (Lambs & Du Bois)e.

30. Sa. Baxter, p. 448. Call on Johnson, Vizard, & w. M J, on Coffee & Dawe: Clennel calls.

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July 31. Su. Baxter, Part III, pp. 200.


Aug. 1. M.Neal, çala.

2. Tu.Letter from Vincent, Newbury. T T sups. Call on Morgan, R C L (State Trials.)

3. W. Billingsgate, w. M J & J (for Margate) & W. Call on Visard & Johnson. Write to M J. T T calls.

4. Th. Neal, çala. Lamb & Manning call: M dines.

5. F. Call on Johnson (w. Vizard) & mrs Nicholson: dine at Johnson’s, w. Fuseli, Mullet & Blackwood: T T sups.

6. Sa. Semiramis. Call on Johnson: dine at Knowles’s (comte de Barde): sleep at Woolwich.[Not in London]

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Aug. 7. Su.Call at Bonnycastle’s: dine at Jeffery’s, Eltham, w. Bonnycastle & Knowles.[Not in London]

8. M.Greenwich stage, w. Knowles: Ash &N G call.[Not in London]

9. Tu.Life of Swift, p. 143. Mrs Beresford calls.

10. W.Swift, p. 255.

11. Th. Goldsmith, p. 89-134: Swift, p. 340. T T calls: call on Lambn, w. M J.

12. F.Swift, p. 418. Dine at Johnson’s, w. Bonnycastle & Knowles; adv. Fuseli & maj. Moore.

13. Sa. Write to J Taylor. Clennels & Graham call.

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Aug. 14. Su.Maugraby, pp. 221. Jo & N G call.

15. M.Suetonius, cap. 1-8. Dine at Hendon, w. C C: sup at mrs Topping’s, w. mrs Gordon, C C & M J.

16. Tu. Middleton, Vol. III, p. 205. T T calls: Lambs sup; adv. Graham.

17. W.Middleton, p. 282. Call on Chamberlainen: T T sups: J J G calls.

18. Th.Augustus, çala. Call on Philips, R Taylor, & (w. M J) Nicholsonn: meet Perry, Lamb & Graham: Joyces call.

19. F.Augustus, çala: Vertot, T. II, p. 336-418. Hume, Macmillan & Graham call: call on mrs Nicholson. Write to Curran.

20. Sa.Vertot, p. 473; T. III, p. 34. Macmillan & Chamberlaine call: T T sups.

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Aug. 21. Su.Vertot, p. 144. Battle of Vimierae.

22. M.Dine at Campbel’s, Sydenham, w. T T; sup at Hazlit’s, Camberwel, w. do: Jacob & Tuthil call n.

23. Tu.Vertot, p. 212. T T // sups.

24. W. Call on Johnson & Jo G: Wake calls.

25. Th.Vertot, p. 312. M calls.

26. F. Blackwel, Vol. II, p. 53. Macmillan calls: dine at Johnson’s, w. Fuseli, Bonnycastle, Knowles & Keene: call on G M C, for M J.

27. Sa.Blackwel, p. 103. Bonnycastlen, & Chamberlaine call: call on Allen, Xt’s Hosp., w. M J.

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Aug. 28. Su.Tim. Thomas, çala.T T tea & sups.

29. M.Blackwel, p. 202. Call on Miller: Lambs sup. E & C Colnet dine & sleep.

30. Tu. Westminster Abbey, w by water, w. M J, F, C, M, W, E & C Colnet & C Hooley: G M C, E & C Colnet dine & sleep: M Lamb calls.

31. W.Blackwel, p. 230: W Abbey, çala: Four Plays, Pt I, II: Richardson of Milton, p. 120.


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Sep. 1. Th.Blackwell, p. 284. Lamb calls, & N G.

2. F. Blackwel, p. 346. Mrs Hazlit calls.

3. Sa.Call on Andrews, surgeon, Smirke & Bagster. Westminster Abbey: meet Carlisle & Perry.

Sep. 4. Su.Royal Ménagerie, Quist, w. M J, Bonnycastle, &c: dine at Bonnycastle’s, w. M J, Knowles & Yates. Home dies.

5. M. Newbury Coach: breakfast at Slough: call on Townsend & Roe, Newbury: Globe, dine & sleep. walk to Speen. Curran calls n.[Not in London]

6. Tu.Call on Davis, Green, Wright, Nias, Townsend serjt, Croft, Roe, Bull & Toomer: tea Toomer’s: walk to Shaw & Fair: write to M J.[Not in London]

7. W. Church-yard: walk to Thatcham: dine at Woolhampton: tea Theal, sleep. George Dandin.[Not in London]

8. Th. Breakfast at Reading: White Knights & Abbey: dine; adv. Hardinge: Reading coach: tea Hounslow: sleep in S S. Avare, acte 1, 2[Not in London]

9. F. Write to Andover & P H G. Curran calls: Mulready sups.

10. Sa.Call on White, Lamb & Nicholson: Jo G calls: Hazlit sups.

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Sep. 11. M.Lysons, çala. T T sups.

12. M.White & M Lamb call: M dines: theatre, 1/20 Macbeth; adv. Knowles & comtessee.

13. Tu.W Abbey, w. F, C & M. . Write to Wooburn Deincourt.

14. W.Avare, fin: Bourgeois Gentilhomme. T T sups.

15. Th. Curran breakfasts; adv. M Lamb: supsv at Lamb’s: Dawe calls. w. Wilson, bookseller, & M J.

16. F. Coliquee. Call on Carter, Raine & Lamb: M Lamb & Bonnycastle call: dine at Johnson’s, w. Fuseli, Bonnycastle & Knowles; adv. Hewlet. meet Foulkes.

17. Sa. Call on Johnson & Jo G: write to Hardinge: Curran, Wolcot, Lambs & T T dine.

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Sep. 18. Su.Accounts. Woodvil. M Lamb calls.

19. M.Accounts. Coffee, Bagster & Langslow call: T T sups.

20. Tu.Accounts, Langslow: call on Lamb, w. M J: dine at O Hara’s, w. Curran, Wolcot, Lane, Hutchins & R C. Covent Garden Theatre burnede.

21. W. Call on H Rogersnit, White & Br. Institution: Jo G & T T call: Mulreadys sup.

22. Th.Jo G calls: call on S Rogers, Cornhill.

23. F.Laing, çala. Langslow, Alexander, Summons, M, M A M, L K, mrs Toke & Franklin call.

24. Sa.Branston, Macmillan, Langslow, Ash, T Tna & Parsons’s call: theatre, 1/5 C Girle.

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Sep. 25. Su.Accounts. Blackwel, p. 379. Call on Branston. Porson dies.

26. M.Blackwel, p. 456. Call on Rainen: O’Hara calls: theatre, 3/5 Douglas; adv. Hille: call on T T. Write to Sharp & H Rogers.

27. Tu.Blackwel, V. III, p. 14. Theatre, Mysterious Bridee: N G calls n: call on Curran n.

28. W. Blackwel, p. 193. Call on Raine.

29. Th.Augustus, p. 4. Theatre, 3/10 Wonder, & Fortune-Tellere.

30. F.Blackwel, &c. Curran, Chamberlaine & Travers call.


Oct. 1. Sa.Augustus, p. 8. Call on Miller: T T & C Heath call.

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Oct. 2. Su. Augustus, p. 11. Call on Brankston.

3. M. Read Lefanu & Lamb. M Lamb calls, & Mulready.

4. Tu.Augustus, p. 14. Lambs, R Taylor, Miller, Lemaitre & Mrs Shepherd na call.

5. W. Tell, 2 1/2 pp. Blackwel, &c. Call on Currann & O’Hara: meet Taylors (& Bosville).

6. Th. Augustus, çala. Life of Franklin, pp. 317. M Lamb & Corbould senr call.

7. F. Augustus, p. 16. Carlisles, Macmillan, M, M Lamb call: dine at Johnson’s, w. Fuseli, Bonnycastle & MacArthur: meet Northcote (& Rees).

8. Sa.Squire, Flint & R Taylor call: call on Fuseli, Macmillan & Turners: meet McArthur.

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Oct. 9. Su. Augustus, p. 18. Mes Topping & Smith at tea.

10. M. Augustus, 1 page. Institution; Langley: Curran dines: theatre, w. do, Three & Deuce, act 1; adv. Finnerty (& La. Barrymore)e.

11. Tu. Walsh Porter’s Pictures, w. M J, 3 Hazlits & Colburn: Jo G calls: 2 Hazlits & M Lamb dine; invité T T.

12. W.Bowles & Gardiner. Lamb calls. Cevallos, pp.

13. Th.Macmillan & M Lamb call: call on Fuseli: T T at tea.

14. F.T T & W Hopwood call. Write to Fk

15. Sa.Religious Courtship, çala. Call on Phillips & Morgan, actuary

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Oct. 16. M.M Lamb calls.

17. M.Invent Il Riposo. T T sups.

18. Tu. Letter to Rickman. Call on Morgan & Phillips; adv. Gillet: Curran dines.

19. W. Call on Lancaster.

20. Th.Hopwood breakfasts: Dadley calls. Fables, 2 s, publishede.

21. F.Call on Phillips & Raine ; adv. Russel & Walpole: Lambsn, Curran & T T call: dine at Johnson’s, w. Fuseli, Bonnycastle, Knowles & McArthur.

22. Sa. Call on Hazlit: Ash calls na.

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Oct. 23. Su.Class-Book, çala: Life of sir Thomas Pope, pp. 258. E Colnet dines.

24. M.Class-Book, çala. Russel calls: T T sups.

25. Tu.Letter from Rickman. Call on mrs Rickman, Hoaren & Fuselina: M Lamb calls: T T dines: theatre, w. T T, M J & M, Mourning Bride; adv. Boddingtone: meet Ash.

26. W. Write to Rickman. Call on Annuity Office & Johnson.

27. Th.Edward VI, pp. 3. Call on Branston. T T calls.

28. F.Note from Rickman. Branston calls

29. Sa. Burr, Hazlit, Dawe & T T call: Bonnycastle, Knowles, White & John Flather dine.

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Oct. 30. Su. Woolston, çala. Burr calls.

31. M. Call on Whitford, Bramston, Raine & John Robinson: T T sups. meet Twiss.


Nov. 1. Tu.M Lamb & T T call: call on Macmillan.

2. W.Write to Burr. Call on Smirke & W Webb n: Dadley & miss Smith call.

3. Th. Write to Booth & Brown. Hopwood calls: tea Perry’s; adv. Finnerty. Write to Mulready. Lindsey dies.

4. F. Dawes & Hazlit sup; adv. Hopwood.

5. Sa.Call on Gatty (sworn), Whitford & Lamb: Hopwood calls.

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Oct. 6. N Su.T T calls: Burr at tea.

7. M. Twiss, Tobin, Wright cpp, Mylius & Jo G call, & M Lamb.

8. Tu.Write to W G, Limehouse. Burr calls: T T sups.

9. W.Write to W G, Limehouse. Call on Dawe: meet Coffee: Coffee calls.

10. Th.Write to W G, Limehouse. Coffee, Hooley, Brownjohn, Greated & T T call: call on Fuseli & Macmillan: theatre, w. M J & T T; adv. Doghertye: T T sups. Write to E Fenwick.

11. F. White calls. Mrs Leicester publishede

12. Sa.Call on Burr n: sup at Hollis’s.

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Nov. 13. Su. Jo & W G, Limehouse call: Jane Ct at home: E Colnet dines.

14. M.Esop. fixede. Lambs call: call on R Taylor: sup at Lamb’s, w. M J. N G calls.

15. Tu.Write to W G, Limehouse. Call on C H Turner, London Hospital: meet Plunket: T T sups.

16. W.Romance of Forest, p. 112. Call on Hazlit & Branston. Whitaker dies this week.

17. Th.Write to Rickman & P H G. Mrs Bailey, Jo G n& Walter (Herd) call: call on Johnson: theatre, St Quintine: T T sups. Romance, p. 172.

18. F. Romance, p. 276; Vol. II, p. 106. Dine at Johnson’s, w. Bonnycastle, Hewlet, Hollis & Knowles. Dawe calls.

19. Sa. Semple Lisle,Perryn & Dawe call: theatre, 1/3 St Quintine. Romance, p. 286. Wilson calls.

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Nov. 20. Su. Romance, Vol. III, p. 46, & 188-276. Somerset House, w. M J, M L, T T, E C & 5e: T T dines.

21. M.Romance, fin: Udolpho, p. 136. Call on Branston.

22. Tu. Call on Johnson, one hour: meet Hollis: T T & N G calls: theatres, 1/2 Exile (1/3 Duenna; adv. Jerningham), & Cervantes, w. M J, miss Hooley, & 4e. Udolpho, p. 220.

23. W. Write to W G, Limehouse: Letter to W Smith. Udolpho, p. 428. Jo G, Hollis & M Lamb call.

24. Th.Udolpho, Vol. II, p. 192. Jo G & Branston call.

25. F.Udolpho, p. 362. Call on Phillips: Branston calls: //Lambs sup: T T calls n.

26. Sa. Udolpho, p. 478; Vol. III, p. 162. Theatre, 1/4 Cabinete.

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Nov. 27. Su.On Monuments, p. 3. Udolpho, p. 358.

28. M. Write to Hatchet Lane. Udolpho, p. 463; Vol. IV, p. 120. Call on Branston, w. T T: Corbould calls; adv. T T: T T sups. Clennel calls.

29. Tu. On Monuments, p. 7. Udolpho, p. 222. Macmillan calls: mrs Livie at tea. N G calls. Mulready calls.

30. W.Monuments, p. 11. Udolpho, p. 343. T T calls.


Dec. 1. Th.Monuments, p. 13. Branston & Dadley call. Udolpho, p. 428, fin. Theatre, Venonie. Burr calls n (sees M J).

2. F. Monuments, p. 17. Branston calls n. Italian, p. 60. Theatre, w. M J, Venonie.

3. Sa.Monuments, p. 20. Italian, p. 157. Dadley calls.

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Dec. 4. Su.Monuments, p. 23/2, fin. Italian, p. 336. Jo G calls.

5. M. Monuments, p. 23. Italian, Vol. II, p. 154. Call on Phillips: Burr calls.

6. Tu.Italian, p. 264. M J from Burr: call on Branston: Corbould calls, & mrs Cecil Smith.

7. W.Italian, p. 360; Vol. III, p. 151. Branston & Corbould call: Burr au soir.

8. Th. Italian, p. 369. Lambs au soir (adv. mrs C Smith & T T na); read. M dines.

9. F.Italian, p. 444, fin. M Lamb calls: Burr at tea.

10. Sa.Call on Quin, Phillips (adv. Ouisseau), Branston & Springsguth: Springsguth calls, mrs Shepherd & mrs Clennel.

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Dec. 11. Su. Monuments, 2 pp. Burr calls n.

12. M.Knight, engr, & T T n call: theatre, Venoni, act 3e.

13. Tu. Blind Margt, pp. 134: Nourjahad, pp. 239. M Lamb calls: call on G M C: sup at Topping’s, w. M J.

14. W.Monuments, 1/2 page; revise. Call on H Rogers (adv. S R) & Byrne: M & T T sup. Letter from Winchester. meet mrs Beresford.

15. Th.Monuments, 1 1/2 pages. Write to Raine & Winchester. Bidulph; p. 110. Sup at Lamb’s; talk of monuments.

16. F.Monuments, [3?] pages. Bidulph, p. 254. Dine at Johnson’s, w. Fuseli, Bonnycastle & capt. Hunter. Burr calls, & Oldfields na.

17. Sa.Preface, 2 pp. Bidulph, p. 334; Vol. II, p. 138. Call on Keating: meet White. Liverpool dies.

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Dec. 18. Su.Monuments, revise. Bidulph, p. 218. T T calls: dine at Hume’s, w. Listons, Lambs & Manly; adv. mrs Thomson: Burr clls.

19. M. Monuments, 1/2 page: Bidulph, p. 288. Call on Grosvenor & Smirken: theatre, 2/5 Richarde. T T calls, congé. Keating calls.

20. Tu.Monuments, 1 page. Bidulph, p. 357. Call on Smirke & Phillips: M Lamb calls: theatre, D Le: Burr sups, for Ireland.

21. W.Bidulph, Vol. III, p. 208. Astley’s, Newcastle Street, w. M J, E C, C H & 5e.

22. Th.Monuments, revise. Bidulph, p. 342, fin. Call on Gattyn & Guildhall.

23. F.Monuments, revise. Bidulph, Vol. IV, p. 110. Theatre, 1/2 Venice Pd, & School for Authorse; spraine. Call on Listons, w. M J.

24. Sa. Bidulph, p. 208. R Taylor calls: mrs Oldfield, 2 sons, & Petman dine; adv. M Lb, & Dawe. Beddoes calls dies.

Dec. 25. Su.Out of his Humour, act 1: Bidulph, p. 334.

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26. M.Monuments, revise. Bidulph, Vol. IV, p. 104. Miller & Macmillan call.

27. Tu.Bidulph, p. 241. Call on Quin & Philips; adv. jR Taylor: Springsguth calls.

28. W.Bidulph, p. 324, fin. C C Housena: call on Keating: Macmillan calls.

29. Th. Out of his Humour, acts 2, 3, 4. B Thoughtless, p. 60. Hilton, Hommey, & misses Bonnycastle & Yeates call.

30. F.B T, p. 148. Listons, Humes, Wolcot & Wilkie dine; adv. Lambs & Dawe. Stewart calls.

31. Sa.B T, p. 288. Oldfields call na.