1808, Jan. 1. F.Call on Smirkena, & R Taylor, & J Taylor: Jo, N W & Phebe G, & G M C dine; adv. W G & T T: G M C sleeps.
2. Sa. Call on Philips, Newgatena& at homen: Hawthorns call: T T at tea: G M C sleeps.
Jan. 3. Su. Write to Burdet. Chamberlaine calls: Mulready sups: G M C sleeps. meet Butler Danvers.
4. M.Clennels calls: call on Hankey & Mrs Moore: mrs Topping & G M C dine: tea Phillips’s; adv. R Taylor.
5. Tu. Nicholson, Philips & Clennel call.
6. W.Mrs Topping & T T call: T T dines. Send to J Taylor, Philips & Rogers. Write to Birket & H Godwin. Jo G (Primrose Strt) calls.
7. Th.Davis calls: dine at Hawthorn’s, w. M J, F, capt. Trotter, mrs Trotter, &c.
8. F.Mrs Napier calls: dine at Johnson’s, w. Fuseli, Bonnycastle & Percival: T T sups. Write to Davis.
9. Sa.Mrs Napier calls: Clennels, T T & O Fk dine.
Jan. 10. Su.Dine at Moody’s, Turnham Gn, w. T T.
11. M.E Topping dines; adv. T T: Letter from Davis.
12. Tu.Clennel calls: T T dines: theatre, Wanderer, w. M J & T Te.
13. W.Davis calls, signe: call on Tuthil n & Philips n: T T & W C Brown dine.
14. Th.Call on Tuthil: theatre, for M J, E C & C C, Furibonde.
15. F.Call on Benson, japanner, & Chamberlainen: meet Hazlit.
16. Sa.Hudson & Alexander call: Hazlit sups.
Jan. 17. Su.Call on Johnson: J J G calls: tea Philips’s (15 Cæsars)e; adv. Towers.
18. M.Mably, sur les Romains, p. 114.
19. Tu.Mrs Hutton calls: E Topping, Clennel & F Walsh dine; adv. miss Burnel: Keir calls: sup at Topping’s, w. M J & F Walsh.
20. W. Write to Burdet. Call on Johnson.
21. Th.Chamberlaine calls: Keir sups. Hudson calls. Parliament meetse.
22. F.Theatre, Something to Do; adv. Hille: T T sups.
Jan. 24. Su.Prospectus of Roman History, pp. 4. Mably, p. 242: Goldsmith, p. 89-209. Call on Philipsn: Linnel calls na.
25. M. Letter from Tuthil. Mulready calls.
26. Tu. Hudson & Lepard call: T T tea & sup. Write to Hutchins.
27. W. Call on Tuthil, Lepard & Hazlit: meet Le Maitre: tea Philips’s; adv. Surr.
28. Th.Tuthil calls: call on H Rogers: sup at Lamb’s: T T calls.
29. F. Call on Philips (sign)e; adv. Reid & Lucas: Alexander calls n: theatre, Othello, acts 1, 2, 3e: sup at E Fk’s, for M J: Carlisle calls n.
30. Sa.Letter from Hutchins. Goldsmith, p. 272.
Jan. 31. Su.Accounts. Lambs & E Fks sup.
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