July 1. Su.Adept, p. 105. Julie, p. 155: Cellini, p. 512. Call on H L: meet Mackintosh & Watts: H G & M dine; adv. J G & Chandler. Conference; read Adept, p. 37.
2. M.Adept, p. 108/2. Ovid, Ep. XXI; Remedium, Lib. I: Julie, p. 199. Fell calls.
3. Tu.Adept, p. 108. Ovid, Remed., Lib. II: Julie, p. 222. Dine at Fell's, w. Dignums & M: tea, Duke Street. Read Adept, p. 90: conference.
4. W.Adept, p. 110. Julie, p. 243: Cellini, Vol. II, p. 20. Call on Ht's: M dines: sup at Chandler's, w. H G & L J. Letter.
5. Th.Ovid, Ars //Amandi, p. 6: Julie, Vol. III, p. 30: Hume, p. 52. Call on Lees & Fenwicks: meet Combe.
6. F.Adept, p. 112. Ovid, A A, p. 14. Theatre, w. Fell; Battle of Hexham & Throw Physice. Shenstone, çl.
7. Sa.Ovid, A A, p. 24: Cellini, p. 196. M dines: Opera, w. Lees; Elfrida & le Deserteure.
July 8. Su.Adept, p. 113/2. Ovid, A A, p. 36: Julie, p. 44: Cellini, p. 240. Ht calls: call on Fuseli & M: dine at Ht's, w. Foulkes & Burrel; adv. Geisweiler & Stoddart.
9. M.Ovid, A A, p. 42: Julie, p. 63: Cellini, p. 354. Combe & Carlislen call: chez elle.
10. Tu.Adept, p. 114; Vol. II, p. 1. Julie, p. 72: Cellini, p. 403, fin. Meet Ht: dine at Chandler's, w. Macquin, Vardon & Philips: theatre, w. Chandler; Children in the Woode. Letter.
11. W.Ovid, p. 48: Julie, p. 96: Hume, p. 63, fin. Theatre, w. Lees; Lionel & Clarissa & village Lawyere.
12. Th.Adept, p. 4/2. Julie, p. 146. M dines; adv. M R. Call on Cha Smithn.
13. F.Adept, p. 4. Ovid, A A, p. 56: Hume, Essays 15, 16, 17, 18, 23. Call on H Lee: meet R Johnson & Tierney: Shepherds call: Clarke, Fell & M at tea.
14. Sa.Ovid, A A, p. 60, fin; Tristia, El. 1, 2, 3. Water, w. H & A: Ht calls.
No. IX. Coleridge, visit, Mar. 29, 30, 31, 1800.
July 15. Su.St Leon, Vol. II, p. 5, 6/2. Ovid, Tristia, El. 4, 5, 6, 7: Paul & Virginie, p. 45. H G & M dine.
16. M.St Leon, p. 8/2. Ovid, El. 8, 9, 10, 11; Lib. II, p. 5: Paul & V, p. 117. Call on Lee: Chandler dines; adv. Fell.
17. Tu.St Leon, p. 10/2. Ovid, p. 14; Lib. III, El. 1: Paul & V, p. 227, fin: Julie, p Vol. III, p. 147-183.
18. W.St Leon, p. 12/2. Call on Lee: dine at Reveley's: meet Este & Tattersal: M sups.
19. Th.Memoirs, 2 pages. Ovid, El. 2, 3: Julie, p. 208: Zaïre, act 1: Alcuin, pp. 77. J G Jones calls: Dibbin sups.
20. F.Letter. Call on Lee: M dines: H G sups: Major White, Weeding, Morley & Cooke call.
21. Sa.St Leon, p. 14/2. Ovid, El. 4, 5, 6, 7: Zayre, acts 2, 3. Dine at Chandler's: theatre, Cambro-Britons, w. doe.
July 22. Su.St Leon, p. 17/2. Ovid, El. 8, 9, 10, 11. Call on Lee: dine at Ht's, w. Pinkerton, Foulkes, Geisweiler & Stoddart; adv. Nicholson. Leaves towne.
23. M.St Leon, p. 19. Ovid, El. 12, 13, 14; Lib. IV, El. 1, 2. Fell at tea: M sups.
24. Tu.St Leon, p. 22. Ovid, El. 3, 4, 5, 6: Julie, 220; Vol. IV, p. 14. Tea Cha Smith's, w. W, G, C & Ht.
25. W.St Leon, p. 26. Ovid, El. 7, 8, 9, 10; Lib. V, El. 1, Tea at Pinkerton's.
26. Th.St Leon, p. 30/2. Ovid, El. 2-8: Julie, p. 38. Fordyce calls: meet Underwood & Baker: call on Fenwick. Oliver Bond respitede
27. F.St Leon, p. 33. Ovid, El. 8-15: Zayre, acts 4, 5: Julie, p. 54. Sir Robt Smyth calls: call on Porsonn: sup at Nicholson's, w. Combe.
28. Sa.St Leon, p. 35/2. Ovid, Amores, El. 1-8: Examine Robertson, Hermippus & Pinkerton's Enquiry. Call on Ritson.
July 29. Su.St Leon, p. 35. Ovid, El. 8, 9. Putney coach w. Molets, &c: dine at H Tooke's, w. Thompson, Tooke{,} Boddington, Ashburnham, Morgan, Cooke, Warner, Pearsons, Odel, Frend, Bonney, Walker & Richards: Dibbin, M & H G sup. adv. Parrys and Joyce.
30. M.Ovid, El. 10, 11, 12: examine Pinkerton. Theatre; Iron Chest & Mogul Tale, w. Lawrencee.
31. Tu.St Leon, p. 37. Ovid, El. 13, 14, 15; Lib. II, El. 1, 2: Julie, p. 112. Wedgwood & Chandler call.
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