William Godwin's Diary

Diary entry for March 1802



Mar. 1. M.Write to Ht. Call on Perry, D Stuart, Lauderdale (adv. P. of W., Lord R Spencer & R Adair), mrs Reynolds & Nicholson: meet W Webb.

2. Tu.Chaucer, p. 34/2. Write to Cole & Montfort. Call on Northmoren, Coleridgenit (adv. D Stuart) & Northcote (adv. Fawcet): meet Kemble: theatre, w. M J, Lover's Resolutionse. Duke of Bedford dies .

3. W.Burke v. Bedford, p. 52. Call on Robinson, Philips, Lambn & J G: dine at Johnson's, w. Fuseli, Bonnycastle, Edgworth & Garver.

4. Th.Jewish History. Burke, p. 80, fin. Call on Joyce; adv. Belsham & Jervis: miss F dines, & Jas Wt.

5. F.Chaucer, revise. Perrys, Fenwicks & miss Lunan at tea: invités Reynolds's & Nicholsons.

6. Sa.Wood calls: call on Philips: E Fenwick calls: Jas Wt at tea: Lamb sups.

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Mar. 7. Su.Jewish History. J Hollis, Carlisles, Fell & J J G call: dine at Perry's, w. M J, Tho. Campbel, Spanky, Ramsay, 3 Bonnors, & Gillies's, & miss Stuart: Phscalls [n]

8. M.Meet Hardy: call on Johnson & Philips; adv. Joyce & Gregory: Fuseli's Lecture; adv. Opie, Lawrence, Shee, Porter, Hoare, J Taylor, & Burrel, & Bankse.

9. Tu.Chaucer, revise. Jas Wt dines: meet M J at Nicholson's: meet Keir.

10. W.Chaucer, revise. Jas Wt & M dine: theatre, w. M, Messiah, 1 acte.

11. Th.Chaucer, revise. Le Grand, p. 24. E Reynolds calls.

12. F.Le Grand, p. 60. Tobin calls: call, w. M J, on Fenwicks.

13. Sa.Chaucer, p. 43, 44, 45. Le Grand, p. 117.

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Mar. 14. Su.Chaucer, p. 47. Call on Hilln, Ervingn, Davy & Nicholson: Campbel & Wood call n: sup at Reynolds's, w. Northcote, Hoare, C Moore & C Kemble: meet Bosville: Fells & M sup n.

15. M.Le Grand, Vol. II, p. 50. Write to Poole. Call, w. M J, on Carlisles, & C Smithn: AlldisAnnis calls: Fuseli's Lecture; adv. Opie, Northcote, Hoare, Banks, Campbel, & H Scott, Northmore & Malthuse.

16. Tu.Le Grand, p. 114: Warton & Petrarque, çala. Call on Goldsmith (w. McAdam) & Nicholson: Jno Holcroft calls.

17. W.DuDe la Rue, pp. 60. Smith & Malthus call: M dines: Fenwicks sup.

18. Th.Chaucer, p. 49/2. Smith dines: call on Carlisle.

19. F.Chaucer, p. 50. Sign w. Goldsmith & McAdame.

20. Sa.Chaucer, p. 51/2. Romaunt, 410. Call on Cosway, &, w. M J, on Fenwicks; adv. Lambs.

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Mar. 21. Su.Romaunt, 2418. Dine at King's, w. Prescot, Ling & Plowdens 5; adv. Lathorp, Davis & abbé

22. M.Romaunt, 4900. King, &c, call: M dines: Fuseli's Lecture; adv. Northcote, Hoare, & Bankse: theatre, Mock Doctor, w. Hoaree.

23. Tu.Romaunt, 5696. Wood, Smith & King call: Davy's Lecture; adv. Underwood & Burrele; sup at Davy's, w. Tobin, Pinney senr, Henry & Thomson.

24. W.Romaunt, 7698, fin. M J at White'se.

25. Th.Percy, &c. Call on Campbel P Hn: theatre, Winter's Tale; adv. Fillingham & Bourgeoise.

26. F.Percy, çala. Joyces call: M dines; agreement for Kriméee. Write to C Mountcashel.

27. Sa.Chaucer, 1 page. Carlisle calls: Lambs & Fenwicks at tea. Peace of Amiense.

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Mar. 27. 28. Su.Chaucer, 1/2 page. H G calls: Smith dines.

29. M.Chaucer, 2 pages. Meet M J at Nicholson's.

30. Tu.Chaucer, 1/2 page. Boileau, çala. Call on mrs Henley, Watling Street: sup at Hollis's.

31. W.Write to Murphy, Burdet, C Smith, Philips & Johnson. Fyshe Palmer's Narrative, pp. 79. M dines: Oratorio, w. him & M Je.