Apr. 1. Su.Jeronymo. Horwood & Seabrook call.
2. M.Jeronymo, Part II, acts 1 & 2. Dine at Tipper’s, Cumberland, Bligh, Dr & mr Davis, H Robinson, Crowe & J Richter. Write to Grattan & R Sharp.
3. Tu.Write to Woodcock. Jeronymo, act 3. Call on M Lamb; adv. S Hazlit: T T sups.
4. W.Smithfield, for M P, 4 pp. Call on Russel, C House, & Taylor. Write to Upham, Mozley, Sheppard, Barrat, Brodie & Saffory.
5. Th.Call on Stamp-Office, Tate, & Wilmot & Hill: meet L Ht: theatre, W G, Henry IV, & Paul & V; adv. 4 Humese. meet Place. Committal of Burdet voted, 189 to 152e.
6. F.Abridge Grammar. Andronicus, acts 1 & 2. R Taylor calls: T T sups.
7. Sa.Clerk from Tilson: Grattan, Barryn & J White call: call on Tilson & Biggsn: walk to Piccadilly, w T T; adv. Newtonse.
Apr. 8. Su.Skelton, çala. Seabrook & T T call: wlk to Piccadilly, w. M Je: Waller & H Robinson sup. meet Miller bookseller & Collier junr.
9. M.Write to Woodcock. Call, w. T T, on Biggs, Longdil & Place: S Hazlit calls: T T sups. Burdet to the Towere.
10. Tu.Abridge Grammar. Write to Taylor, Norwich: Curran dines; adv. H Robinson & T T.
11. W.Grammar, çala. Miles & Bensley call.
12. Th.Grammar, çala. Curran calls: C C on Tatee: T T sups; adv. N G.
13. F.Grammar, çala. Dine at St Paul’s , w. Fuseli, Bonnycastle, Wakefield, Edgworth, maj. Moore, Joyce & Knowles; adv. R Taylor.
14. Sa.Grattan & Curran breakfast: call on Cumberland, Currann, Dawe, Flaxmann & Reynolds (adv. R R): sup at Lamb’s, w. M J; adv. M Burney, S & J Hazlit: meet Lauderd:
Apr. 15. Su.Grammar, çala. T T dines: tea Newton’s, w. 5 Lambs, 3 Boinvilles, Souse, Lawrence, T T & M J.
16. M.Grammar, çala. Lockhart & N G call: T T sups.
17. Tu.Meet Perry & Jo G: Smart at tea: call on T T, w. M J: Robinson sups. Dawe calls.
18. W.Grammar, çala. Call on J White, Mathewsn & Macmillan: Curran, Cumberland, Wolcot, Bligh & T T dine.
19. Th.Call on Flaxman ( S H), & Curran ; adv. Hutchins, Waring & dr Wright: Withers (Holt) calls n & Jo G: Curran dines; adv. T T.
20. F.Withers calls: walk, w. T T, to Dulwich College, Allen & Smith, librarian; dine; returning, call on Waldron, Camberwel.
21. Sa.Skelton, çala. Jo & N G call: T T sups.
Apr. 22. Su.Skelton, çala. M Hopwood dines.
23. M.Grammar, Analysis, çala. S Hazlit sups.
24. Tu.Grammar, Analysis, çala. Curran dines: theatre, w. do, Macbeth; adv. Boadene: Bedford, midshipman, w. do.
25. W.Grammar, çala. Cumberlandn & Manning call.
26. Th.Grammar, çala. Bouge of Courte. Call on Lane, w. T T: Girle sups. Chamberlaine calls.
27. F.Grammar, çala. Curran calls; adv. mrs Boinville: 3 Boinvilles, 2 Hopwood, Ford & Eastwick dine; adv. T T & Jas Hopwood: meet Lambs.
28. Sa.Grammar, çala. Curran calls: theatre, w. M J & J, Gamester, & Who Winse.
Apr. 29. Su.Grammar, pp. 3. Newton & Voycy call. Crown of Lawrell.
30. M.Grammar, çala. Barry calls: Exhibition, w. Curran; adv. Perrys; Boaden , Liston , Dawes , H Richter , Flather & T Te.
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