Apr. 1. W.Fingal, B. II & III: Mrs Haywood, p. 100. Call on Fell (92, Chancery Lane), M Lamb, Macdougal & Hunter, & Joice; adv. Dyer: Fenwick dines (from Philips.)
2. Th. Haywood, p. 176. Call on Carlisle: sup at Lamb's, w. Fells & M. (from Philips.)
3. F.Fingal, B. IV, V: Haywood, p. 279, fin. Philips calls; adv. M, mrs P., &c: call on E Fenwick; adv. Younger & W Ross.
4. Sa.Fingal, B. VI; Comala. Call on Northcote: doPhilips, w. M.
Apr. 5. Su.Carrie-thura: Haywood, Vol. II, p. 125-154. Call on Davyn, R Christie, & Northmoren: meet J Taylor. Write to Philips. meet Lewis, vdm.
6. M. Hume, çala. L J & M dine. Contract.
7. Tu. Write to T Wedgwood &Ht. Hume, Vol. I, p. 231-342. Tobin & A W call.
8. W. Hume, p. 471. Call on Robinson, Johnson & Philips: Jacob calls n: call on do; adv. Soley: sup at Nicholson's. (at Jn's, adv. Hewlet.)
9. Th. Hume, Vol. II, p. 125. Dine at Tobin's, w. Acerbi, Leslie & White; adv. Davy & Rickman.
10. F. Hume, p. 300. M dines.
11. Sa. Hume, p. 407. Jo Fell calls n.
Apr. 12. Su. Hume, p. 500. A W calls, remonstrate{:}edine at Fenwick's, w. Lambs & Barry.
13. M. Hume, Vol. III, p. 64: Robertson, p. 19. M dines: sup at J Hollis's.
14. Tu. Robertson, p. 58. Call on Malthusn & Fell n.
15. W. Robertson, p.76. Theatre, Old Debts (adv. Jerningham & Mackintosh.)e
16. Th. Hume, p. Vol. I, p.66-164. Fells call: S E dines: sup at Lamb's, w. Fell, Fenwicks, Rickman & Beaumont.
17. F. Hume, p. 230; 16-65. Duncan of Dundee breakfasts.
18. Sa.Gibbon, Chap. LVI: Boulainvilliers, çala. M dines: call on Philipsn: A Walker sups.
Apr. 19. Su.Boulainvilliers, p. 59. Dine at H Tooke's, w. Harvey: sup at Reynolds's. S E, L Goldsmith, Hollis, J G& Jo G call n.
20. M.Boulainvilliers, p. 116. Tuthil calls: M dines: theatre, Perousee.
21. Tu.Write to Ht. Boulainvilliers, p. 175: Fell's Tour. Fell calls: call on L Goldsmith: dine at Johnson's, w. Barbaulds, Fuseli, Shepherd, Johnson Cowper, Bonnycastle & Edgworth.
22. W. Henry, Vol. III, p. 299-356: Hauteeville, p. 34.Tobin calls: theatre, Blind Girl; adv. Columbinee: M sups.
23. Th.Henry, p. 438. Tuthil dines; adv. mrs Dunbar: evening Goldsmith's, w. Bragges, Bairds, Brookes's, Crottys, Clifton, Egerton & S E.
24. F.Henry, Vol. IV, p. 287-404; Vol. VI, p. 1-54: Turner, p. 52, Vol. II. Call on Turner, Ritson & Philips.
25. Sa. Henry, B. III, ch. 7; B. II, ch. 4. Hollis & mrs Taylor call: theatre, Julian & Agnes; adv. D Jones & Fenwicke: M sups.
Apr. 26. M Su.Henry, B. III, ch. 4; B. II, ch. 5. Dine at Fell's, w. Lambs, Fenwicks, Jo. Fell & M: L J, Tuthiln & J Gn call.
27. M. Henry, B. III, ch. 5. Exhibition; Este, Opie, Heath, Sharp, Shee, Batty, Webb, Boaden, J Taylor, Chalmers, Bannister, Consit, J C Banks, Shepherd & Campbele: M dines: Pidcock's, w. F & M: Tuthil n& D Edwardsn call.
28. Tu.Henry, B. II, ch. 1. D Edwards, Northcoten & Lamb n call: call on R Taylorn.
29. W. Spelman on Tenures, p. 24. Fell calls: M, Lambs & Fells dine; adv. Tuthil.
30. Th. Henry, B. II, ch. 2: Hurd, Dialogues 5 & 6. Call on Davy: meet Carlisle & Dogherty: S E dines.
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