William Godwin's Diary

Diary entry for March 1804



Mar. 1. Th.Sketch for novel. Call on R Taylor.

2. F.Call on R Wordsworth, Platt, Bachelor, Joslyn (Doctors Commons), Jo G (adv. M Bailey), J G, Coleridgen & Fk: Smith at tea. Pancras Registere.

3. Sa.Write to Kemble & Dallas. Letters (to Jo G) fm West & Harriete. Jo G & Smith call: call on Wordsworth, & Goodyer, sexton, Chelsea: dine at H Rowan's: call on Carlislen. Letters fm Kemble & Coleridge.

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Mar. 4. Su.Letter from Dallas. Smith dines; adv. miss Walsh & Rawlins. Cherche mon Peree.

5. M.Write to Dallas & Kemble. Petite Ville, & Udolphe. H Rowan calls. Harriet in towne.

6. Tu.Lambert, p. 1. Letter from Dallas. Duhautcours, acts 1, 2, 3.

7. W.Lambert, p. 4/2. Lamb calls: call on L Ht, (w. M J) Coleridgen, Mackinnenn, & R Wordsworth (adv. Jo G): meet Plowden: dine at Johnson's, w. Fuseli, Bonnycastle & Dr Thomson: sup at Napier's, w. miss Walsh, miss Burt & M J. Duel, Camelford, d. Sate.

8. Th.Lambert, p. 7/2. Mrs Carlisle, miss Cruickshank & Smith call: call on Bush, Doctors Commons. Letter from Dallas. Write to Craven.

9. F.Lambert, p. 10. Write to Philips. Fell calls: call on G M C: Smith dines.

10. Sa.Lambert, p. 11. Write to Craven. Call on R Taylor, Wordsworthn & Mackinnenn; &, w. M J, on Harriet G, adv. mere, M Bailey & pere.

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Mar. 11. Su.Fleetwood, p. 13. Meet C Kemble: Jno & V Napier, P Pester, Smith, miss Walsh & miss Burt dine; adv. miss Green & Lambs.

12. M.Fleetwood, p. 16/2. Paine's Letters. L Ht calls: M sups.

13. Tu.Fleetwood, 4 pages. Smith calls: call on Keir, w. M J: Jo G dines; adv. M: meet R Wordsworth: theatre, w. M, Counterfeit; adv. P Hoaree.

14. W.Fleetwood, 1 1/2 pp. & p. 16. Call on Arnotn: meet mrs Dallas & mrs T West, w. M J, at Rayner's: call on R Wordsworth: sup at Lamb's, w. Coleridge.

15. Th.Fleetwood, 1 page. Tobin calls: call on Northcote: Smith dines: theatre, w. Smith, M J, E M & F; adv. C Moore, Fillingham, A Opie & E Fkse.

16. F.Fleetwood, 8 lines. Call on Jo G; &, w. M J, on Philipsn, Johnsonv, R Taylor & Lamb: theatre, 1/3 Oratorio; adv. J Taylor (mrs Billington)e. adv. A Stephens & C Mercier, & P Taylor.

17. Sa.Fleetwood, p. 17. Cooper calls: call, w. M J, on Northcote: Fell at tea. Bonduca, act 1; Duhautcour, actes 4 & 5.

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Mar. 18. Su.Fleetwood, p. 19. Bonduca, act 2. Cooper & wife call: dine at Hts, w. M J; adv. (Place & Le Maitre) Buchan & Harwood.

19. M.Fleetwood, p. 21. Catullus, Ep. 66. Le Maitre calls: call on Hts; adv. Harwood: dine at Tobin's, w. Rickman; adv. Burrel & Grenow; invités Coleridge & Ht. meet Perry.

20. Tu.Catullus, Ep. 67: Clarissa, p. 308. Call on Jo Gn, Davisonn, K Taylor (adv. Ph.) & Lamb (adv. Coleridge): 3 Coopers, M & L K dine.

21. W.Fleetwood, p. 23. Catullus, Ep. 68: Clarissa, p. 353. Call on Joyce (w. M J), & L Htna: Le Maitre calls. Letter from Smith. Arnot calls.

22. Th.Catullus, Peleus, vs100. Philips grocer & Fell call: call on Davison & J G: Fks, H G & miss Hole at tea. Letter from Bush.

23. F.Catullus, Peleus, vs 250 Letter fm Dawne. Call on Davison & E Fk: Arnot calls: L Ht dines; adv. F Ht. & Mercier. Write to Smith.

24. Sa.Fleetwood, p. 24/2. Catullus, Peleus, vs. 408. Walsh & Burt call: call on E Fk (adv. Fell & M Lb), Tobin (adv. Coleridge) & S Fell: theatre, 1/10 Cherrye: sup at J Hollis's. Write to Craven. Bonduca, act 3: Clarissa, Vol. VI, p. 38.

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Mar. 25. Su.Fleetwood, p. 25. Clarissa, p. 160. Jo G calls n: call on A Harwoodn, Foulkesn, & E Fkn: M sups. met mrs & miss Tooke.

26. M.Catullus, Peleus, vs. 100: Burning Pestle: Clarissa, p. 217. Call on Jo G & Foulkes: dine at Cooper's: sup at L Ht's, w. M J & A Harwood. Keir calls.

27. Tu.Letters from Craven & Smith. Send to R Taylor. Miss Smith calls: Keir sups.

28. W.Translate Rousseau, 1 sheet. Call on Wolcotn: meet Banks, sc.: 3 Coopers, M & L K dine.

29. Th.Religio Medici, p. 60: Clarissa, p. 331. Lambs call: call on Ht, & miss Walsh; adv. miss Green & V N.

30. F.Religio Medici, p. 176, fin: Clarissa, p. 384. Tobin & E Fk call: sup at mrs T Cooper's, w. G M C & M J.

31. Sa.Martial, Ep. 1-13: Cowley, çala: recollections of Bacon, Jonson & Montaigne.