June 1. Sa.Write to J Taylor, Norwich, & M J. Call on Taten, w. C C: Bingham & Hannam’s clerk calls: call on B M, Knowles & Fry, on Cumberland: Lambs sup: call on T Tn.
June 2. Su.Ovid, Sandys, B. IV: Retrospection. M Jones calls: call on Place: H Robinson sups.
3. M.Dictionary, çala. Letter from J Taylor: write to J Taylor & M J: Call on Knowles & Place: meet Fuseli. C C to Tatee.
4. Tu.Dictionary, çala. Write to M J. O’Hara calls: Northcote sups.
5. W.Dictionary, çala. Write to M J. M Jones calls, & Jas Smith.
6. Th.Dictionary, çala. Write to M J. Call on Letterman & R Sharpn: M Lamb calls: meet Tuthill: mrs Livie calls. Liberty of Prophesying, çl.
7. F.Honest Whore, acts 1, 2, 3, 4: Call on Jo Gn, R Taylor & Hume: seek Lewin: M Jones calls: meet Perry, Collier & Aldis.
8. Sa.Dictionary, çala. H W, act. 5. Write to M J. Aldis, Lackington & Barker call.
June 9. Su.Dictionary, çala. Utopia, p. 50. T Brown, cala. Barker dines; invités H Robinson & T T: T T sups
10. M.Dictionary, çala. Utopia, p. 74. Write to M J. Aldis calls: T T sups.
11. Tu.Dictionary, çala. H W, Pt II, acts 1, 2, 3. Seek Dawe: call on Letterman & Place & R Taylor.
12. W.Write to M J. Call on Sharp & Lancaster & Hume: seek P Martineau. Write to G G. Theatre, Royal Oake: H Robinson sups. Fenwick calls: meet Ellis.
13. Th.Dictionary, çala. Call on Gold, Wordsworth & Longdil: Wedgwood & Nichols call. Write to M J. Sup at Aldis’s.
14. F.Write to Wedgwood, B M twice , & M J. Cabala, çala. B M & Withers & N G call.
15. Sa.Write to Hardinge. Polyolbion, B. XVI. Call on Knowles.
June 16. Su.Hall’s Epistles, çala. Tower, w. C C.M J & W from Ramsgatee.
17. M.Cotton, çala. Call on Chater & B M. H Robinson calls: meet Smart, w. M J.
18. Tu.Write to Fairly. Call on Knowles, Hume & B M.
19. W.Write to Wedgwood & Evans. Call on Dawe & B M: J White calls n. Answer from Wedgwood: write to Fairly.
20. Th.Write to Wedgwood, Fairly & Patrickson & Evans. Lambs sup; adv. T Tna.
21. F.Write to Evans, Montagu & White. T T sups. Ascham on Germany, p. 35.
22. Sa.Ascham, p. 49, fin. T T calls.
June 23. Su.Ascham, p. 76. Dine at Hume’s, w. M J & F; adv. mrs Thomson & Boustreds.
24. M.Write to Fairly & Withers. Ascham, p. 90. Theatre, 2/3 Pizarroe. Call on R Taylor.
25. Tu.Write to Wedgwood & Rogers. Polyolbion, B. XVII: Utopia, p. 140, fin: More’s Works, çala. Call on Lamb: H Rhodes dines: meet Place.
26. W.Write to Place. Polyolbion, B. XVIII/2: More, Dialogue, p. 31. (against Tyndale.)
27. Th.Write to Hepburn & Fairly: Polyolbion, B. XVIII/2: More, p. 56. Call on Hume: H Robinson sups: J White calls, & Place.
28. F.On Love, p. 3/2. Polyolbion, B. XIX: More, p. 79; 22 Chaps.
29. Sa.On Love, p. 7. Polyolbion, B. XX. J Johnson, Hunter fr & Newnum call.
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