May 1. W.Dictionary, çala. Walk w. Clairmont: Coleridge dines: call on Rodd & Montagu.
2. Th.Write to W G, Smirke & Pratt. Place & Price call, & Wallerna, & Coleridge. Jeffery, & British Institution, w. M J & T T : T T dines.
3. F.Write to Fairley. Remembrancer’s, Somerset House: call on Hume: Price calls: theatre, 1/2 Gazette, & Timoure.
4. Sa.B Montagu & mrs Fk call.
May 5. Su.M Jones calls: Kensington, meet Jas Smith: dine at Humes, w. C & E Pulman & M J; adv. L Ht & B Mercier. Battle of Fuentes d’Onoroe.
6. M.Write to Fairley & B Montagu. Dawe calls: H Robinson sups.
7. Tu.Call on Smirke, mrs J Smith, mrs Newton, Hammersley, Whitelocke & B Montagu: T T calls: H Robinson sups. Cumberland dies .
8. W.Write to C Mountcashel. Call on Raine (adv. Watkinson) & Hollis. Cheek, p. 18. Drakard calls.
9. Th.Cheek, p. 40. Turner (stock-broker) calls: T T sups: call on Macmillan: Baker, çala.
10. F.Cheek, p. 64, fin. Call on Vaughan, Favel & Curtis: seek Martineau & E Johnston: meet H Robinson & Richter.
11. Sa.Hayward, çala: Paradise Lost, B. I. Write to Fairley: Letter to Shield. Montagu, Place & Newtonn & T T call.
May 12. Su.Call on H Robinson: seek Thos Fk: H Robinson calls na.
13. M.Write to Hollis & Fairley. Call on Cline, w. Mary, & on Jo G: Pratt calls: T T sups.
14. Tu.Macmillan calls, & H Robinson: call on Mcmurdo, Ward & Cooper.
15. W.H Robinson calls: call on W Matthewsn, J Martineau & R Sharpna: seek Wordsworth, Eves, Lewin & P Martineau: H & C Boinville & J Smith at tea.
16. Th.Call on W Matthews, Lister, miss Fk & Lambt: Ash calls. Write to Lister & Hollis. Battle of Albuerae
17. F.Write to Patrickson. Call on Raine & Lambn: T T sups: M J, M & W for Margatee.
18. Sa.Write to M J & Raine. Letter from T Cooper. J Turner, Lamb, Place, miss Fk, & Williams, schoolmaster, call.
May 17. Su.eParadise Lost, B. II. J F Newton, çala. T T calls: call on Shieldn: dine at Boinville’s, w. Newton, T T & Voisey, & C C.
20. M.Write to M J. Call, w. C, on Tate, Stanger, Kemp, miss Lousada & Saunders.
21. Tu.Hayward, çala. Adams & T T call: call on Denley: C C for Ramsgatee.
22. W.Letter to Lister. Hayward, çala. Call on T Fkn; adv. W G: Lawrence, Hopwood & M Jonesna call.
23. Th.Dictionary, çala. Write to Fairly & M J. Voisey, from T T, calls: dine at Grattan’s, w. 2 Tighes, Barrington & mrs
24. F.Dictionary, çala. Call on Humen & Place. Write to M J. Theatre, All’s Welle: R Taylor sups.
25. Sa.Write to Hepburn, Fairly & M J. All’s Well, cala. Call on T T; adv. H Boinville & Voisey: Price calls. Duke of York Commander in Chiefe.
May 26. Su.Dictionary, çla. Call on Newton: dine at Hume’s, w. Newton, Masters, Dawe, Faithful & Lambs.
27. M.Dictionary, çala. Write to Ant. Robinson & J Taylor, Norwich. Call on R Taylor, & Knowles.
28. Tu.Dictionary, çala. Write to M J. Call on Lambn: Lambs & H Robinson sup: Waldron, Aldis & M Jones call.
29. W.Letter from Dallas. Write to Fairly & M J: Call on Cline: theatre, Trial by Jury; adv. E Stanhopee. Melville dies .
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