William Godwin's Diary

Diary entry for October 1811



Oct. 1. Tu.Curran breakfasts: M Smith calls: call on Stoddart, Boudon, Ralph & Macmillan: C Boinville dines: E Smith sleeps: Waldron calls na: theatre, Darkness Visiblee.

2. W.Write to M W G. E Aldis calls: call on Hume: T T sups. call on Longdil.

3. Th.Write to Tilson & Longdil. Simmons, p. 434. Call on Gold: Gold calls.

4. F.Write to A Lefanu. Curran calls: meet, w. him, Graham (North), Judge Mayne, Mayne, Barrymore Ld, B Dudley & J Taylor: call on Smirken: T T & Seabrook call.

5. Sa.Write to Fairly, Smirke, Longdil, <&> Howorth, & Creed. Macmillan & Tate call: call on Longdil: Curran sups.

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Oct. 6. Su.Agonistes, p. 43: Symmons, p. 566, fin. Waller at tea.

7. M.Agonistes, p. 115, fin. Smirke calls: T T sups. Write to Constable. M calls, & A Taylor.

8. Tu.Call on Stoddart, Manning, R Sharpn & Theobd. Curran, Coleridge, Wolcot, Boaden & A Curran dine.

9. W.M calls: call on Curran & Northcote: meet Jas Smith: M dines. Colnaghi’s prints, l’Empr, &ce.

10. Th.Instructions for M, pp. 5. Write to S E. Call on Miller: meet Curran: dine at H Boinville’s, w. M J & F; adv. Voisey. M calls, ppc.

11. F.Disciplin of Divorce, p. 28. Call on Curtis, & Denley.

12. Sa.Divorce, p. 71. Dine at Collier’s, w. Adams’s, Bishops, 2 miss Dawsons, 3 Stansfields & Field.

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Oct. 13. Su.Divorce, p. 108, fin. Coleridge, Waller, W Collier & H Petman dine; adv. A Taylor. Walbrook & St Paul’s .

14. M.Tetrachordon, p. 20. Fk calls.

15. Tu.Tetrachordon, p. 32. Write to Fairly, & Jas Smith. Fk & Colburn call: call on Lamb.

16. W.Write to Constable. Call on Hume: McCabe, Voisey & Burr call, & Flather.

17. Th.Tetrachordon, p. 75. Call on Lambert: Burr at tea: T T calls.

18. F.Call on Lewis, Wade, Gold & Ralph: Newton & son, & Jas Smith call n: Burr & Curran dine.

19. Sa.Dawe & Burr call: call on Knowles: C & A Boinville dine; adv. Aldis’s & Burr.

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Oct. 20. Su.Tetrachordon, p. 92. Burr calls: call on mrs Newton; adv. Voisey & 2: dine at Hume’s, adv. mrs Hutchinson. call on Currann. Burr & A Curran sup.

21. M.Tetrachordon, p. 96. Write to Hopwood, Graham (N & H), & Patrickson. Call on Hume & Rodd: meet Humes, & J & R Taylor: Fk & Newtonn call.

22. Tu.Tetrachordon, p. 108: Eikonoclastes, p. 12. Call on Curran, at Chantry’s, w. M J, C & J; adv. A. C: meet w. Curran, Barrymore, Jennings, mrs Sankey & Hoby: Curran & Chantry sup; adv. H Rob.

23. W.Tetrachordon, p. 129, fin. Call on Lambert & Place: Fk calls n: call on Lamb; adv. miss Fk & mrs Reynolds.

24. Th.Eiks, p. 30. Call on Curran, at Chantry’s; adv. A C: call, w. Curran, on Cobbet; adv. Cochrane: theatre, w. doe: sup at Bedford (conferencee): T T sups:

25. F.Write to Curran 4 pp. Call on H Boinville; adv. T T & F: T T, Coleridge & Evans call.

26. Sa.Riposo. Eikonoclastes, p. 40.

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Oct. 27. Su.Il Riposo. Eikonoclastes, p. 54. Burr calls: A Curran, & Jas & P Hopwood dine; adv. Burr. W G calls. invité Boinville.

28. M.Averroes, çala. Miller calls.

29. Tu.Averroes, çala. Red Cross Librarye: call <w.> on Cobbet, w. Curran: dine, w. Curran, at Hatchet’s; adv. Jennings. Coleridge, J J Morgan, & Burr call na.

30. W.Call on Gatty: Newton, Longdil, Petman, Jas Hopwood & Boinville call. Write to Curran on Ward.

31. Th.Cardonne, p. 76. Call on Seabrookn, Graves & Longdil: M Smith calls: call on J Taylor; adv. Chalmers & Fladgate: Boinville & Petman dine.