July 1. M.Write to C Mountcashel. Life of More, p. 100. Call on Gardner, Hume & Place: sup at Lamb’s, w. M J & C C. J Smith calls.
2. Tu.More, çala. Patrickson, senr, calls: mrs Cecil Smith dines.
3. W.On History, p. 4. Girle calls.
4. Th.On History, p. 8/2. Hopwoods & H Robinson sup: call on Hume.
5. F.On History, p. 11/2. Write to Thos Fenwick.
6. Sa.On History, p. 15/2. More, B. II, c. 8, 9, 10, 11. Write to Fairly. T T calls.
July 7. Su.More, c. 12; B. III, c. 1-8: Gondibert, çala. A Boinville & Jas Hopwood dine.
8. M.On History, p. 13-17. More, çala. T T sups.
9. Tu.On History, p. 17/2. British Museum, Collier, Stapleton & Erasmuse. Sup at Aldis, w. Hinckley, Rogers & M J; adv. F, J & W.
10. W.On History, p. 17. Write to Fairly, Newton & Thos Fenwick. Call on Letterman.
11. Th.Write to A Lefanu. Call on Longdil, Hume & J Johnsonn. Deliquiume.
12. F.Write to Hepburn & Fairly. H Corbould, West of Cork, & T T call.
13. Sa.West of Cork & J Johnson call: theatre, w. M J, Trip to Scarborough; adv. T T & Earlee: H & C Boinville call n.
July 14. Su.Shepherd’s Calendar, Ecl. 1-5: Scriblerus, p. 38. Deliq. nocte.
15. M.Write to Arnot, Baker, Brodie, Merridew, Barrat, Charnley & Sands. Deliquiume.
16. Tu.Donne, çala. Call on Lewis. Deliquia duoe. M J calls on Carkeet , Gold , Abbot & Longdile.
17. W.Spenser, çala, Todd. T T calls: H & C Boinville at tea. Deliquiume. M J calls on Aldise.
18. Th.Life of Donne, 81 pp. H & C Boinville call n: T T sups. M J calls on Chippendale, Eves, Davison & Murraye.
19. F.M J calls on Eves, Davisonn, Macmillann, Pheney, Clarke & Butterworthne: Macmillan calls na: H Robinson sups.
20. Sa.Write to Mary. H Corbould & Hopwood call.
July 21. Su.Donne, çala. Call on Lamb; adv. E Fks, O F, mrs Jackson & mrs W.
22. M.Write to Wedgwood & Knott. T T calls & W Stewartna. Write to Lucas & Meyler.
23. Tu.Donne, Epigrams. Call on Place & Hume: meet Knowles: H Corbould & Flather call: E Topping at tea: meet J Taylor.
24. W.Call on Hume & Lambert: T T (& L Ht) call: A Curran at tea: E Fks & O F call. Parliament proroguede.
25. Th.Red Cross Street; Donne, &ce. Meet Keir.
26. F.Donne, Essays, p. 35. Call on Dennet & Place: meet Basil Mu: theatre, Birth-Day, & Quedlinburghe. Corbould calls, 4. Write to Fairly.
27. Sa.Call on Hoare, Alexander & Letterman: seek Lewin: meet J Hollis, Warren, J Taylor & Turnbull: Hume & Gordon call: T T sups.
July 28. Su.Write to Hoare. Spenser, Ecl. 6, 7. H & P Hopwood dine.
29. M.Polyolbion, B. XXI: Spenser, Ecl. 8. Call on Eves & Jo G: T T (& Williams, Lusiad) call: E Topping at tea.
30. Tu.Gondibert, C. I. Place calls: meet Aldis.
31. W.Write to Hoare. Gondibert, C. II, III. Seek Hoare: call on Raine, Stevenson (King Street) & Perry: H Robinson sups: meet L K & A P.
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